February 2013
Antiparasitic effects of the water extract from Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Chenopodiaceae) against some gastrointestinal nematodes in West African Long Legged goats
An in vivo test was undertaken in order to evaluate the efficacy of an aqueous extract of leaves of Chenopodium ambrosioïdes against nematode parasites in goats. The study used fifteen naturally infected West African Long Legged goats (Capra hircus) from Northern Benin. Three levels (1, 2 or 4 ml/kg body weight/3 days treatment) of concentration of the herbal drug were administrated to three experimental groups and...
February 2013
Prevalence and intensity of nodular oesophagostomosis in West African long legged goats in Northern Benin
This study was conducted between January and December, 2011 to assess the prevalence and intensity of nodular lesions caused by Oesophagostomum species into the intestine of Benin goats. Intestines of 384 West African Long Legged (WALL) goats, from Northern Benin, were examined during slaughter, and 241 intestines (62.8%) were found to be positive for nodular lesions. The infection rate was significantly (p < 0.05)...