Journal of
Parasitology and Vector Biology

  • Abbreviation: J. Parasitol. Vector Biol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2510
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPVB
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 203

Table of Content: October 2012; 4(2)

October 2012

Prevalence and speciation of hookworm in Plateau State, Nigeria

This study was designed to estimate the prevalence and speciation of hookworm in Plateau State. 592 faecal samples were collected from patients with abdominal discomfort from six health facilities in the state and examined for presence of parasitic eggs or cysts.  Among them, 147 (24.8%) were positive for at least one parasitic egg or cyst, whereas 39 (6.6%) had hookworm eggs alone. Hookworm was found in all the...

Author(s): Chollom S. C., Chollom R. S., Gbise S. D. , Kaigama A. J., Dyek Y. D., Gideon B. A., Ajayi O. T., Nimbut L. B., Maxwell I. K., Dauda P. K. and Nwankiti O. O.

October 2012

Epidemiology of haemonchosis in sheep and goats in Benin

A helminthological study was carried out from December 2010 to November 2011 in order to establish the epidemiology of Haemonchus contortus infections in small ruminants of Benin. A total of 756 abomasums, collected from randomly selected goats and sheep from all regions of Benin has been examined....

Author(s): Sabbas ATTINDEHOU, Sahidou SALIFOU, Cyprien Félix BIAOU , Oubri Bassa GBATI , Mama ADAMOU-N’DIAYE and Louis Joseph PANGUI