Journal of
Stored Products and Postharvest Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Stored Prod. Postharvest Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6567
  • DOI: 10.5897/JSPPR
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 169

Table of Content: 8 September, 2011; 2(9)

September 2011

Best fitted thin-layer re-wetting model for medium-grain rough rice

Five commonly cited thin-layer rewetting models, that is, Diffusion, Page, Exponential, Approximate form of diffusion and Polynomial were compared for their ability to fit the experimental re-wetting data of medium grain of rough rice, based on the standard error of estimate (SEE) of the measured and simulated moisture contents. The comparison shows that the Diffusion and the Page models have almost the same ability to...

Author(s): M. A. Basunia and M. A. Rabbani

September 2011

Development of trifoliate yam: Cocoyam composite flour for fufu production

Trifoliate yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) tubers and two varieties of cocoyam (Nxs001 and Nxs003) were processed separately into flour and mixed at the following proportions: 100% trifoliate yam flour; 100% cocoyam flour; 85:15, 75:25, 25:75, and 50:50 cocoyam- trifoliate yam flour. The functional and pasting properties of the composite flours were determined. The trifoliate yam-cocoyam flours were then reconstituted, made...

Author(s): Ezeocha VC, Omodamiro RM, Oti E and Chukwu GO

September 2011

The quality of maize stored using roof and sack storage methods in Katumba Ward, Rungwe District, Tanzania: Implications on household food security

The quality of maize stored using sack and roof storage methods was studied by investigating the presence of Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium infections using qualitative methods in 130 maize samples that were randomly collected from the roof and sack storage facilities in Katumba ward, Rungwe district, Tanzania. Levels of fumonisins, aflatoxins, ochratoxins and T-2 toxins were determined using quantitative methods...

Author(s): Rose Mboya, Pangirayi Tongoona, Kwasi Sackey Yobo, John Derera, Maxwell Mudhara and Augustine Langyintuo