African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6878

AJAR Articles

Assessing farmer knowledge and performance of introduced wheat varieties using organic fertilizers in the North West Region Cameroon

September 2024

Wheat, one of the most consumed but less produced crops in Cameroon, was the focus of this study aimed to investigate farmers’ knowledge on wheat cultivation and estimating the performance of introduced varieties using different fertilization methods in Santa. A random sample of 80 farmers completed an open-ended questionnaire, and subsequently, 14 varieties were evaluated in a randomized complete block design...

Author(s): Liliane Ngoune Tandzi, Laureta Numukwong and Carine Limofack Tandzi

Effect of vermicompost on soil properties, cabbage earliness and yield under sandy soil agroecosystem

September 2024

The present study was conducted to find the effect of vermicompost application on yield and some other parameters of cabbage under highly weathered soils of Uganda.   Five rates of vermicomposte (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t/ha) were applied on cabbage, planted in plots and arranged in RCBD during three seasons with three replications each. Plant height, number of leaves and leaf size were measured during the...

Author(s): Issa Balde, Arfang Badji, Abdoulaye Fofana Fall, Godfrey Sseremba, Khady Ngom, Joyce Nababi, Ablaye Ngom, Beatrice Wamuyu Mbugua, Mame Samba Mbaye and Kandioura Noba     

Farm size and total productivity in selected maize producing districts in Tanzania: Implications for sustainable agro-industrial development

September 2024

This paper examines the relationship between farm size and total factor productivity (TFP) in mainland Tanzania, using a Cobb-Douglas production framework and survey data. Our analysis highlights two important contributions: The examination of a wide range of planted maize fields and the evaluation of the association between farm size and total factor productivity efficiency across maize cropping systems (that is...

Author(s): Nickson S. Kahigi and Ntengua S. Y. Mdoe  

Using superior plant growth-promoting microorganisms through bioprospecting to create inoculants for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) farming

September 2024

Experiments with pot-grown plants are among the most common in plant research. In this study, we isolated plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) from the rhizosphere soils and root nodules of peanut plants grown under greenhouse conditions, and evaluated their PGP properties to select elite strains as inoculants. The isolates were characterized for the following PGP activities: phosphate (P) solubilization, auxin and...

Author(s): Béatrice Dibor Ndiaye , Mouhamed Thiao , Maimouna Cissoko, Malick Ndiaye, Nogaye Niang, Mansour Thiao, Saliou Fall, Samba Ndao Sylla, and Godar Sene,  

Effects of nitrogen reduction on wheat yield and quality in different ecological environments

September 2024

To establish a theoretical foundation for the coordinated production of high-quality, high-yield, and efficient wheat in Yunnan Province, this study was conducted to examine the impact of 4 fertilization rates on wheat yield and quality under three distinct climatic conditions. The findings revealed that the fertilizer requirements for achieving high yield depend on the wheat variety and environmental factors....

Author(s): Jiasheng Cheng,, Xiangmei Qiao, Sakina Abbas, Zhilong Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Yu Wu and Yaxiong Yu  

Effects of Tithonia diversifolia on species composition of other weeds

August 2024

Alien species, such as Tithonia diversifolia, if introduced to areas outside of their natural distribution range, subsequently become invasive, and threatens biodiversity and agricultural productivity. A field survey to determine the potential allelopathic effects of T. diversfiolia on species composition was conducted in Goromonzi, Zimbabwe using two different sizes quadrats. The quadrats were randomly placed at...

Author(s): Musabayana Zivanayi, Mandumbu Ronald and Mapope Nyamande

Barriers of smallholder farmers to climate change adaptation decisions: Evidence from semi-arid region of Ghana

August 2024

Climate change poses significant threats to global agricultural output, affecting the livelihoods of millions of farmers, particularly in Ghana’s semi-arid Upper East region. Here, millet and sorghum producers face increasing challenges due to changing climatic patterns. Smallholder farmers frequently employ adaptation strategies in response to these conditions. However, despite their efforts, these adaptations...

Author(s): Fatimah Von Abubakari, Emmanuel Wisgtos Inkoom, Moses Kwadwo and Martha Opoku  

Local knowledge and morphological variations in local landraces Mangifera indica L. in Northern Benin (West Africa)

August 2024

Local landraces of mango (Mangifera indica L.) occupy an important position in household consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study assessed the local knowledge of M. indica landraces, the variation in their morphological traits, and the influence of environmental variables on the variability of morphotypes in Northern Benin. Two hundred and three households were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire...

Author(s): Michée Dowo Adjacou, Thierry Dèhouégnon Houehanou, Gérard Nounagnon Gouwakinnou, Kathleen Prinz, Taffa Moussa, Abdul-Raouf Mama, Frank Hellwig and Armand Kuyema Natta  

Identification and phylogenetic relationship of fungal species associated with cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) in Bamenda, (Northwest Region) Cameroon.

August 2024

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) is one of the major foods in Cameroon. This study aims to identify fungi species from Cassava leaves and determine its phylogenetic relationship. Random sampling was used to collect symptomatic leaves in 20 cassava farms and cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Mycelia of 31 pure isolates were harvested and used for molecular analysis. DNA was extracted using the sorbitol –...

Author(s): Azinue Clementine Lem, Manju Evelyn Bi, Mbong Grace Annih and Tonjock Rosemary Kinge  

Assessing rice farmers' production constraints and variety preferences in areas affected by salinity

August 2024

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a strategic and priority commodity for food security in Tanzania. The objective of this study was to assess farmers' rice production problems and the preferred traits for improvement in areas affected by salinity in the country. The study was conducted in rice-producing areas of Kilosa, Iringa, and Moshi districts. Farmers were interviewed using structured questionnaires and other...

Author(s): Nafeti Titus Mheni, Kefrine Lutambi, Newton Kilasi and Susan Nchimbi Msolla  

Interactive effect of organic manures, mineral fertilizers and seasons on agronomic parameters of intercropped maize (Zea mays. L), common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris. L) on oxisol in the Noun Valley (Cameroon Western Highlands)

August 2024

Intercropping is a common practice among small-scale farmers of common beans and maize in developing countries, but the agronomic performance of these crops is generally poor due to inappropriate farming practices. This study evaluates the interactive effect of season and mineral-organic fertilizers on soil fertility and the agronomic performance of the intercropped common bean-maize system. The field experiment was...

Author(s): Hassan Yap Mfouapon, Primus Azinwi Tamfuh, Adalbert Onana Adibime, Jules Appolinaire Lienou, Etienne Mboua, Evariste Desire Moundjeu, Cyntia-rita Ngwahimo Ngnokam, Ismael Foukena Yandintoum and Alexis Boukong  

Selectivity of 2,4-D choline salt, glyphosate, glufosinate, and their mixtures for enlist E3™ soybeans

August 2024

To reduce the impacts caused by the constant use of the same active ingredient, a new genetically modified soybean cultivar has been developed for resistance to the herbicides 2,4-D choline salt, glyphosate, and glufosinate ammonium. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of herbicides applied at the V3 and V6 stages on the development and productivity of Enlist E3™ soybeans over two...

Author(s): Thiago Souza Oliveira, Heytor Lemos Martins, Willians César Carrega, Arthur Arrobas Martins Barroso and Pedro Luís da Costa Aguiar Alves  

Short-term effect of the distance between the point of application of phosphate fertilizers (CBKCa and TSP) and the crown of the plant on the evolution of the fractions and the phosphorus balance of a Lixisol

August 2024

The different fractions of phosphorus available in the short term were studied by the fractionation method. Soil samples (0-20 cm) were taken during 2021 and 2022 campaigns after the harvests in a test set up on the factorial design with four repetitions. The P sources (Calcined Burkina Phosphate enriched with calcium (CBKCa) and Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)) were applied to the main plots, and the subplots had three...

Author(s): Iliassou Nignan, Jean Ouedraogo, Satoshi Nakamura, Kalifa Coulibaly and Idriss Serme  

Effects of feeding stovers of pearl millet varieties on performances of sheep and goats in integrated crop-small ruminants’ production systems in the West African Sahel

August 2024

Integrated crop-small ruminant production systems have been identified as one of the strategies to enhance food security among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This study utilizes a combination of on-station and on-farm trials to investigate the effects of pearl millet stover on the performance of small ruminants and to identify the best cultivars that can be recommended to livestock farmers as suitable fodder...

Author(s): Clarisse Umutoni, Augustine Ayantunde and Nouhoun Zampaligré  

Physico-chemical and sensory characterisation of three traditional functional dishes made from maize flour and wild tomi (Tamarindus indica), baobab (Adansonia digitata) and néré (Parkia biglobosa) fruit pulp consumed in Côte d'Ivoire

August 2024

The aim of the study was to determine the biochemical and sensory characteristics of dishes made from maize and baobab, tomi, and néré pulp. To this end, Badégué with baobab, Badégué with tomi, and Wasséra were prepared using traditional technologies to determine their physico-chemical composition followed by a sensory evaluation. The results showed that Wasséra...

Author(s): Kouame Aristide Kouakou, Kouakou Nestor Kouassi, Kouadio Benal Kouassi, Gbè Aya Jacqueline Konan, Yapo Hypolithe Kouadio, Yao Denis N’dri and N’guessan Georges Amani

Standard of living, gender dimensions and women empowerment among Fulani pastoralist in Kaduna State, Nigeria

July 2024

The participation of women in dairy farming varies according to region, culture, and socioeconomic status. These dynamics restrict women’s abilities to exercise equal access and control over resources. Utilizing descriptive statistics and data from 316 clustered Advancing Local Dairy Development in Nigeria (ALDDN) Project beneficiary communities, this study assesses gender roles and empowerment among pastoralists...

Author(s): Jamila Rabe Mani, Musa Bello, Yusuf Usman Oladimeji and Fadlullah Olayiwola  

Phenotypical variability of four types of sorghum cultivated in intercropping conditions in two agroclimatic areas of Burkina Faso based on qualitative traits

July 2024

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an indigenous crop in Africa, primarily cultivated to meet the food and commercial needs of rural communities. In Burkina Faso, various types of sorghum are cultivated together, potentially increasing gene flow and influencing the evolution of key morphological traits of interest. This study compared the morphological variability of four types of sorghum cultivated under...

Author(s): Sévérin Tuina, Josiane Tiendrebéogo, Romaric Kiswendsida Nanema and Nerbéwendé Sawadogo  

Genetic parameters estimate of iron and zinc nutrients in common bean genotypes

July 2024

There is need to know the heritability of different traits for the effective selection of parents for future breeding activities. A study was carried out to determine heritability of iron and zinc in common bean. Crosses were made with each donor and recipient parents to obtain four different types of crosses. Part of the F1 seed from each cross was sown in the screen house to produce F2 seeds and also backcrossed to...

Author(s): Kinguye Masamaki Magomere, Susan Nchimbi-Msolla and George Muhamba Tryphone  

Troubled agronomy: Exploring challenges affecting oil palm production among indigenous rural farmers in Karonga district, Malawi

July 2024

Agriculture remains fundamental in addressing socio-economic challenges in developing countries including Malawi. Through agriculture, oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) production has been essential as source of food, creation of job opportunities, income generation, hence offering potential pathways for reducing rural poverty. In Malawi, oil palm production is an old tradition practiced by the Nyakyusa people, residing in...

Author(s): Noel Mweta, Alex Somuah-Obeng and John Windie Ansah  

Effects of soil pH levels on iron and zinc concentrations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes

July 2024

Plants grown in acid soils experience a variety of stresses which include aluminium, hydrogen and/or manganese toxicity, as well as nutrient deficiencies of calcium and magnesium. A study was carried out to determine the influence of soil pH levels on iron and zinc concentrations in leaves and seeds of twenty-five common bean genotypes. Plastic cups trial was carried out in the screen house to determine the actual...

Author(s): Kinguye Masamaki Magomere, Susan Nchimbi-Msolla and George Muhamba Tryphone  

A survey on the state of moringa cultivation and utilization in Kwazulu-Natal

July 2024

The African population is predicted to be 1,397,607,646, with the South African population estimated to be 60,635,919. With a continually expanding population across the continent, satisfying the demands of present and future generations will be a major global challenge. As a result, this study investigated Moringa oleifera lam as a superfood with the potential to reduce poverty and unemployment, promote rural...

Author(s): Simphiwe Promise Buthelezi and Londeka Thandokuhle Mimi Nxumalo  

Farming nomenclature, distribution and diversity of squash (Cucurbita sp) in Burkina Faso

July 2024

Agriculture plays a crucial role in managing sustainable food security, necessitating a better understanding and conservation of plant genetic resource diversity. This study aims to establish the nomenclature of squash species (Cucurbita species) diversity cultivated by farmers in Burkina Faso. A survey was conducted across 19 provinces, divided into nine regions and two climatic zones. Semi-structured individual...

Author(s): Soumbougma Benoît, Tiama Djakaridja, Ouedraogo Jacques and Bationo-Kando Pauline

Postharvest handling practices and the use of Cedrela Odorata leaves against insect pests of maize grain in storage

July 2024

A survey conducted in the Ejura-Sekyedumasi municipality of Ghana's Ashanti Region assessed the use of Cedrela odorata leaves for storing maize. The study sampled fifty farmers from five maize-producing communities. Maize storage methods included shelling and bagging or storing unshelled maize in rooms or barns. Common field pests encountered included weevils, termites and fall armyworms. The majority of farmers...

Author(s): Samuel Owusu-Ansah, Francis Appiah, Charles Kwoseh and Elvis Asamoah  

Assessing soil carbon sequestration potential by measuring clay, sand, and silt content in agroforestry parkland systems along a rainfall gradient in Burkina Faso, West Africa

July 2024

Soil texture and precipitation influence soil organic carbon sequestration. This research measured soil texture to assess the potential for organic carbon sequestration in soils within agroforestry parklands, considering a gradient of rainfall levels. The study aims to provide site-specific recommendations to promote agroforestry as a strategy for mitigating climate change in Burkina Faso. Soil samples were collected...

Author(s): Yacouba Noël Coulibaly and Gérard Zombré  

Characterization of chicken production system in two selected districts in Central Tigray, Ethiopia

July 2024

The study was conducted in Tahtay Michew and Mereb Leke districts with the objective of characterizing the chicken production system in the two study districts. Data collection was carried out through a structured questionnaire and data gathered from different sources. A total of 80 households (40 from each district) were randomly selected for interviews in the baseline survey. Finally, all the collected data were...

Author(s): Berhe Teklay, Yosef Tadesse and Solomon Abegaz  

Determinants of adoption of improved agronomic practices of (Sesamum indicum L.) production, challenges and opportunities in Lango sub region of Northern Uganda

June 2024

Sesame is a key oilseed crop predominantly cultivated in Northern and Eastern regions of Uganda. Despite efforts to promote sesame production, adoption of improved agronomic practices remains low. This study assesses adoption intensity, determinants of improved agronomic practices, and opportunities for enhancing sesame production in Northern Uganda. The study employed multi-stage and purposive sampling to survey 123...

Author(s): Cosmas Wacal, Jimmy Obala, David Agole, Daniel Basalirwa, Joseph Masereka, Ronald Buwa, Jorem Alipa, Emmanuel Ewaju and Jordan Andaku

Evaluation of the morphological variability and pathogenicity of Fusarium verticillioides isolates collected from maize seeds produced in Burkina Faso

June 2024

Fusarium head blight is one of the most important diseases on maize production in Burkina Faso. It affects both yields and production quality, due to toxins that are dangerous to human and animal health. The effectiveness of control measures for this disease depends on a better understanding of the intra-population variability of the pathogens responsible, as well as control of their pathogenicity. The aim of this study...

Author(s): Abou SANOU, Zara NIKIEMA, Shemaeza BONZI, Lamine TRAORE, Jacob SANOU and Irénée SOMDA  

Assessment of vertical hydroponic structures compared to planting in soil under different light conditions

June 2024

The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of small-scale vertical hydroponic structures compared to indoor planting in soil under different light conditions. Fordhook Giant Swiss chard (Spinacea oleracea) was grown for 2 cropping seasons. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference in the biometric attributes of the plants grown hydroponically and those grown in soil under different...

Author(s): Zikhona Buyeye, Gareth Lagerwall, Aidan Senzanje and Sipho Sibanda

Pollination by Xylocopa olivacea Fabricius 1871 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and potential benefits on Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. 1843 (Fabaceae) production in Djoumassi (North Region, Cameroon)

June 2024

The investigation aimed to assess the impact of Xylocopa olivacea on Vigna unguiculata yields, and its foraging and pollinating activities were studied at Djoumassi from October 30th to November 04th in 2018 and from 04 to 10th October in 2019. A total of 540 flowers were observed, divided into four treatments. Two treatments were differentiated based on the presence or absence of flower protection against insect...

Author(s): Yatahai Clément Mineo, Massah Dabole Odette, Kodji Issaya, Adamou Moïse, Kingha Tekombo Bernice and Mazi Sanda  

Inventory of fungi associated with fonio (Digitaria exilis, Stapf) diseases and evaluation of the phenotype of 15 fonio mutant lineages against two isolates of Curvularia lunata in Burkina Faso

June 2024

Curvulariosis is one of the main fungal diseases of fonio, appearing at the vegetative growth stage and causing yield losses of up to 45%. The aim of this study was to invent the fungal species that infest fonio and to evaluate the phenotype of 18 lines developed or generated by mutagenesis against curvulariosis. A collection survey was carried out in the main fonio production zones. The lines were screened under...

Author(s): Niaone Mandinatou, Issa Wonni, Mahamadou Sawadogo, Soumana Kone, Abdourasmane Konate and Abalo Kassankogno  

Morphometrics and carcass production of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) under intensive production system

June 2024

The aim of this study was to determine the carcass production and obtain linear models for the estimation of live weight of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), reared under intensive system. Three-year-old crocodiles destined for slaughter were restrained, stunned and thereafter, the spinal cord severed instantly. The live weight of each crocodile was measured and the corresponding morphometric measurements were...

Author(s): Bob Mali, Lillian Owembabazi, Celsus Sente and Sam Okello

Effects of the length of rectangular zaï pits on straw and grain yields of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in the Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian zones of Burkina Faso

June 2024

In this arid zone, water is crucial for increasing yields, which justifies why zaï, characterized by spherical pits, has become the main soil recovery technique. However, water table level affects the effectiveness of zaï in collecting sufficient water. The present study aimed to give a rectangular shape to the typically spherical zaï pits to measure the straw and grain yield of sorghum in a factorial...

Author(s): Abdoulaye Dabre., Patrice Savadogo, Lassina Sanou and Hassan Bismarck Nacro

Estimating and forecasting red meat consumption and production in Saudi Arabia during 2022-2030

June 2024

The study aims to predict domestic consumption and the production of three meat species (cattle, goats, and sheep) between 2022 and 2030. All series data in addition income per capita as exogenous variable are stationary at the first difference. So vector autoregressive model with exogenous variables  was applied, according to information criterion ( ) the  model of order  without an intercept term and a...

Author(s): Emad S. Aljohani, Abdul Aziz Al Duwais and Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Alderiny

Evaluation of rhizobium and nitrogen fertilizer for the control of bacterial blight in green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties

June 2024

Bacterial blight is a serious disease affecting green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), impacting all growth and yield parameters and potentially causing a yield loss of about 40%. Inadequate information exists on the evaluation of nitrogen fertilizer potential on bacterial blight diseases in green bean cultivars. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of nitrogen fertilizer in managing bacterial blight disease...

Author(s): Manju B. Evelyn, Ache T. Neh and Azah N. Bihwih  

The impact of organic fertilizer on maize, field beans, and cabbages within the agricultural landscape of Kenya: An assessment of efficacy on sustainable development goals

May 2024

The study aimed to address the reduced production in agriculture and offer better opportunities to farmers for a sustainable future through organic farming aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Data were collected on the growth performance and yield of three crops (cabbage, field beans, and maize) from six sites: Mau Narok, Mwea, Limuru, Molo, and Njabini, between April and October, 2017. The results of the...

Author(s): Eunsung Lee and Ibrahim Tirimba Ondabu  

Effect of partial substitution of Noug (Guizotia abyssinica) seed cake with graded levels of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) hay on growth performance and carcass characteristics of yearling rams

May 2024

A feeding trial was conducted using sainfoin hay at 0, 10, 20 and 30% on a dry matter basis of inclusion to yearling rams placed on, T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively, to substitute Noug seed cake in concentrate (wheat bran + Noug seed cake + common salt + wheat straw as a basal diet). Yearling 24 rums were selected on the basis of age and weight similarity and randomly assigned to the four treatments in...

Author(s): Dinku Getu, Solomon Demeke, Taye Tolemariam and Mesfin Dejene  

Adaptability evaluation of US-developed soybean recombinant inbred lines in Rwandan conditions

May 2024

About 70% of the Rwandan population live on agriculture-related activities. Soybean is among the selected priority crops that are supported by the government through the agriculture sector subsidy program. However, the national production and yields per hectare remain very low compared to other countries such as the USA. Yet demand for soybean products and byproducts is increasing. On the list factors limiting soybean...

Author(s): Daniel Niykiza, Tarek Hewezi, Tom Gill, Carl Sams, Tessa Burch-Smith and Vince Pantalone  

Honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Bench-Maji and Sheka zones, Southwest Ethiopia

May 2024

This study evaluates the honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Sheka and Bench Maji zones. A cross sectional study design was used in the study. Four hundred and twenty households were involved in the study and 35 were randomly selected using stratified random sampling techniques from each purposively selected twelve kebeles. Specimens were collected from a hive of 72 households for...

Author(s): Teshome Gemechu, Elias Bayou and Tirusew Teshale

Phenology and growth response of maize and groundnut to different spatial arrangement and intercropping systems

May 2024

Field trials were carried out at the research field of AAMUSTED in two cropping seasons (2021 and 2022) to determine the effect of intercropping groundnut varieties with maize using different spatial arrangements on phenology and growth. A 3 x 3 factorial experiment arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), plus four sole crops replicated four times, was used. The treatments were: (i) groundnut varieties...

Author(s): Isaac Ntekor, Margaret Esi Essilfie, Harrison Kwame Dapaah, and Samuel Ebo Owusu

Effects of manure and variety on growth and yield of maize under managed water stress at Salima in Malawi

May 2024

Drought and low soil fertility are the primary constraints to maize productivity in Malawi. An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry season under furrow irrigation to evaluate the impact of goat manure application and drought on the growth and grain yield of the hybrid DKC8053 variety and the synthetic ZM523 variety. These varieties share a maturity period ranging...

Author(s): S. K. Nambuzi, V. H. Kabambe, W. G. Mhango, M. F. A. Maliro and J. M. Bokosi  

Physico-chemical properties of irradiated fresh tomatoes

April 2024

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of various levels of gamma irradiation on the physico-chemical composition of fresh tomatoes. Tomato samples were irradiated in a Co-60 gamma irradiator and maintained at 25 ± 2°C storage conditions. The experiment was designed with five treatments of radiation dose (0, 0.5, 0.75 1.0, 1.5, and 2 kGy). Before irradiation, the initial composition of physico-chemical...

Author(s): Rose Jumbe, and Rashid Suleiman

Challenges faced by small scale sugarcane growers: An exploration of the impact of social unrest on sugarcane farming in Kwazulu-Natal

April 2024

The South African sugar industry is considered by the South African Sugar Association (SASA) as one of the world’s leading cost competitive producers of high-quality sugar and contributes significantly to the national economy, sustainable development and creates mass employment in rural areas.  However, numerous challenges are faced by small scale sugarcane growers which drastically affect their profit...

Author(s): Simphiwe Promise Buthelezi, Londeka Nxumalo and Xolani Terrance Ngema

Study on the trapping effects of Brassica allelochemicals on Plutella xylostella adults

April 2024

The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is a major pest of Brassica crops worldwide. This study explores the application of Brassica spp. allelochemicals in trapping diamondback moth adults. The effectiveness of eight commercially obtained Brassica spp. volatiles has been investigated, including - (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, cis-3-hexene-1-ol, β-pinene, sabinene, n-heptanal, allyl...

Author(s): Nooney Chidwala, Gabriel Chilumpha, Arnold Makhwira, Balaka Namandwa, Qihuan Zhou, Wuhan Li, Ting Yu, Raghda Nasser and Jianchu Mo  

Evaluation of soybean (Glycine max L.) varieties for yield performance and adaptability over different growing seasons at Tselemti District, Northern Ethiopia

April 2024

A field experiment was carried out in 2015 and 2016 cropping season on ten soybean varieties using randomized complete block design. The aim is to evaluate soybean varieties for yield performance and adaptability considering number of days to 50% flowering, days to 95% maturity, plant height, pods per plant, plant height biomass and grain yield. Those varieties were superior overall the testing varieties such as Afgat...

Author(s): Tesfahun Mekuanint and Abadi Girmay

Cocoa-agroforestry in Ghana: Practices, determinants and constraints faced by farmers

April 2024

To address the growing global demand for cocoa, sustainable intensification of its production in Ghana, the second largest producer, is considered crucial. This paper analyzes practices, determinants and constraints of agroforestry among cocoa farmers in Ghana to provide insights into challenges and drivers for agroforestry adoption, which will guide the formulation and prioritization of tailored policies to address...

Author(s): Mills Oliver, Sarfo Akoto and Simon Abugre  

Ancient and novel Ethiopian durum wheat cultivars: What is the future for their cultivation?

March 2024

Durum wheat ancient cultivars have been grown in Ethiopia for centuries. Until the 1960s, durum wheat covered all wheat areas in the country; nearly all surfaces were represented by landraces. Now, the area dedicated to durum wheat has declined to approximately 15% of the wheat surface. Still, Ethiopia remains an immense genetic diversity resource for durum wheat. In 2019-21, a group of researchers conducted a field...

Author(s): Wasihun Legesse, Habtamu Tesfaye and Flippo M. Bassi

Antifungal effect of wood vinegar from selected feedstocks on Ascochyta rabiei in vitro

March 2024

A study to evaluate the antifungal activity of wood vinegar (pyrogenous acid) from maize cobs, acacia twigs, bean straw and an invasive tree species Prosopis juliflora against Ascochyta rabiei was conducted in vitro and at Egerton University Njoro, Kenya. The physicochemical characteristics of the different wood vinegar were also determined. Antifungal effects of wood vinegar were evaluated at different concentrations...

Author(s): Mary Simiyu, Joseph Mafurah, Jane Nyaanga and Elizabeth Mwangi  

Leaf and fruit description of 18 varieties of mango tree (Mangifera indica L.) in Burkina Faso

March 2024

Fruit cultivation, particularly mango production, is flourishing in Burkina Faso. Despite the abundance of mango varieties, the methods for identifying them based on morphological traits remain unknown. This study aims to identify the distinctive characteristics of 18 mango tree varieties at INERA/Farako-Bâ, where experimentation is ongoing. To achieve this, 18 qualitative and four quantitative parameters were...

Author(s): Corneille Drabo, Pingawindé Sawadogo, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Jacob Sanou, and Mahamadou Sawadogo  

Preliminary study of growth pattern and condition factor of bobo croaker (Pseudotolithus elongatus) in obolo area Nigeria

March 2024

The preliminary study of the growth pattern and condition factor of Bobo Croaker (Pseudotolithus elongatus) in the Obolo Area, Nigeria, was conducted over a six-month period. Samples were collected from the catches of artisanal and local fishers, and the length and weight of the samples were measured in situ using appropriate tools. The parameters "a" and "b" of the Length-Weight relationship were...

Author(s): Akpan, I. I., Okoko, A. C., Udo, I. U. and Enin, U. I.  

Management of pigeon pea pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) using biopesticides and yield performance in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya

March 2024

Pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) is one of the major causes of low productivity in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) in Kenya. This study determined the effect of Nimbedicine, Pyagro and Bacillus thuringiensis on pod borer and grain yield performance of two pigeon pea varieties. The experiments were set up in Kapkayo and Koibatek during April-September, 2020 and May-October, 2021 cropping seasons. The experiment was laid in...

Author(s): Stella Jepkosgei, Miriam K. Charimbu, Paul Kimurto, Juliana J. Cheboi and Nadigatla G. Rao  

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