Journal of
Cereals and Oilseeds

  • Abbreviation: J. Cereals Oilseeds
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6591
  • DOI: 10.5897/JCO
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 91

JCO Articles

Participatory variety selection of rust-resistant improved bread wheat varieties in East Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia

November 2024

Wheat is one of the major cereal crops produced at different agroecologies of the East Gojjam Zone of the Amhara region. However, access to improved bread wheat varieties is minimal. Due to this and other factors, the area's potential for wheat crops is not exploited. So, developing and promoting technologies that suit the area is necessary. Thereby, this experiment was conducted at Aneded, Basoliben, and Debre...

Author(s): Alehegn Workie Amanu and Mulugeta Bitew Jembre  

Evaluating the response of blended fertilizer (NPSB) application on teff (Eragrostis tef /Zucc./Trotter) nutrient uptake at central Tigray, North Ethiopia

June 2023

Teff [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is originated in Ethiopia, and it is self-pollinated, cereal crop. Teff can grow in low and/or excessive moisture conditions than other cereals are dejected under these conditions. Regardless of its immense overall national food security of the country its productivity is relatively low. Poor soil fertility, erratic rainfall, and suboptimal management practices could be among the...


Evaluating the response of NPSZnB fertilizer on yield and yield components of teff at North western zone of Tigray, Ethiopia

June 2023

Teff is one of the major crops grown in central and north western zones of Tigray regional state. However, its productivity is low due to low soil fertility as a result of intensive and long history of cultivation and soil erosion. Therefore, a field experiment was carried out on a farmer’s field in Medebay zana and Tahtay koraro districts (Adekemalk and Beles kebelles) during the 2017 and 2018 main cropping...

Author(s): Tewolde Berhe, Tsadik Tadele, Kinfe Tekulu, Geberesemaeti Kahsu, Weldegebrel Gebrehiwet, Goitom Aregawi, Solomon Mebrahtom and Samrawit Mebrahtu  

Smallholder farmers’ storage practices and awareness on aflatoxin contamination of cereals and oilseeds in Chamwino, Dodoma, Tanzania

March 2022

Agricultural produces in the tropics are vulnerable to mycotoxins contamination. Hot and humid conditions are favourable conditions for fungal growth and production of mycotoxins. Inadequate drying and storage practices aggravate the susceptibility of produce to mycotoxins contamination. The purpose of this study was to assess the storage practices and awareness of smallholder farmers on mycotoxin contamination of...

Author(s): Matrona E. Kimario, Anselm P. Moshi, Humphrey P. Ndossi, Purificator A. Kiwango, Gasper G. Shirima and Jamal B. Kussaga  

Potential of rice farmer groups in the production of improved seed in Upper Denkyira East Municipality

January 2022

Increasing local production and savings in foreign exchange is important that local rice producers are supplied with quality seed in a timely manner. The overall goal of the research was to assess the seed-rice production potential amongst rice farmer groups in Ghana. A two-stage sampling technique was deployed in the sampling process. Analysis of data was mainly by mean, frequencies and percentages, while the...

Author(s): Clifford Yeboah-Manson, Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum, Eli Gaveh, John-Eudes Andivi Bakang

Characterization of finger millet germplasm for mineral contents: Prospects for breeding

December 2021

Knowledge of existing genetic variability is essential for initiating a successful breeding program. A set of 628 finger millet accessions comprising accessions from the core collection, farmer preferred and improved varieties released in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda were profiled for nutrient content. Accessions showed very high variability for the different nutrient contents. Local cultivars and varieties released in...

Author(s): Ojulong Henry Fred, Patrick Sheunda, Joseph Kibuka, Anil Kumar, Abhishek Rathore, Eric Manyasa and Daniel Ajaku  

Genetic variability and heritability among durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) accessions for yield and yield related traits performance

October 2021

Durum wheat is the second most important Triticum species next to bread wheat. Ethiopia is one of the centers of diversity for durum wheat. The aim of this study was to assess variability, heritability and genetic advance for some yield and yield-related traits. A total of 97 durum wheat accessions along with 3 improved varieties were evaluated in 10 x 10 simple lattice designs during the 2018 main cropping season at...

Author(s): Zewdu Tegenu, Dagnachew Lule and Gudeta Nepir  

Trend of cereal crops production area and productivity, in Ethiopia

August 2021

Although Ethiopia is endowed with diverse agro-ecologies suitable for cereal production, the success of the production relies more on climate condition. Therefore, this study is initiated to analyze the trends of; cereal crops production area and productivity in Ethiopia. Data of meher season cereal crops productivity (qt/ha) and area of production (ha) were collected from Central statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia....

Author(s): Wasihun Gizaw and Desu Assegid

Combining ability analysis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes

August 2021

Eight sunflower inbred lines were crossed in 8×8 diallel fashion (without reciprocal) and 28 F1 were developed at Oilseed Research Centre (ORC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur in Rabi season, 2018. All F1 and their parents were planted in Rabi season 2019 to estimate general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects for yield and yield attributes. The highly...

Author(s): Sheikh Hasna Habib, Md Abdul Latif Akanda, Kausar Hossain and Ashraful Alam

Multi-locations evaluation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes for grain yield and yield related traits at western Oromia, Ethiopia

November 2020

A field experiment was conducted on twelve sorghum genotypes against one local and two standard checks at Haro Sabu Agricultural Research Center (HSARC) sub sites for three consecutive years (2016-2018) using randomized completely block design (RCBD) to evaluate and select high yielding sorghum genotypes and to assess the impact of genotype by environmental interaction on grain yield and yield components across diverse...

Author(s): Biru Alemu, Geleta Negash, Wekgari Raga and Dereje Abera

Understanding biodiversity in sorghums to support the development of high value bio-based products in sub-Saharan Africa

September 2020

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is one of the most important cereals worldwide with great genetic diversity. Like most small grains it has good adaptation to drought prone and marginal areas were other cereals are not productive. Globally, sorghum has been underutilized compared to other cereal staple crops however, there is growing interest in sorghum and its related products due to its unique nutritional traits,...

Author(s): Nyoni, N., Dube, M., Bhebhe, S., Sibanda, B., Maphosa, M. and Bombom, A.  

Effect of germination on structural and physicochemical properties of starch in glutinous brown rice

June 2020

This study compared the structural and rheological properties of native (GB0), 12 h (GB12), 24 h (GB24), 36 h (GB36), 48 h (GB48) and 72 h (GB72) germinated glutinous brown rice starch to improve the market value of glutinous rice through germination. The proportion of A chains (DP 6-12) increases and the proportion of B1 chains (DP 13-24) decreased with germination time. Interestingly, we observed that the total...

Author(s): Liyezi He, Chuan Cao, Jingwei Hu, Dongmei Wei, Li Xu, Tang Su and Yibin Zhou  

Yield evaluation and character association of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) genotypes in moisture stress areas of South Tigray, Ethiopia

March 2020

Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the most important highland oil crops of southern Tigray, Ethiopia and it is considered as the least expensive source for oil related home consumptions. The 12 genotypes of linseed including two standard checks were evaluated in the highland and moisture stress area of Southern Tigray under rain fed condition with the objective of evaluating yield and yield components as well...

Author(s): Birhanu Amare Gidey, Kiflom Kahsay and Netsanet Kidane  

Growth and yield response of two groundnut cultivars to row pattern in the forest-Savannah Transition Zone of Ghana

March 2020

Two field trials (2017 and 2018) were conducted at the research field of the University of Education, Winneba, Mampong Campus from May to August to determine the growth and yield response of groundnut to row pattern. The experimental design was a 2 x 4 factorial arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The factors studied included: (A) Cultivar [(i) Yenyawoso and (ii) Adepa] and (B)...

Author(s): Essilfie M. E., Dapaah K. H., Essilfie K. J., Asmah F. B. and Donkor F.  

Effect of Alternaria sp on seed germination in rapeseed, and its control with seed treatment

February 2020

The role of Alternaria sp on seed vigor of rapeseed, Brassica napus, was investigated. Seed samples were collected from rapeseed growing regions of Sindh province. The samples were processed for fungal recovery using blotter paper and agar plate methods. Both methods produced a number of parasitic and saprophytic fungi. Among the recovered fungi, Alternaria sp was predominant with 16% average infection. Similarly,...

Author(s): Tufail Ahmad Soomro, Muhammad Ismail, Safdar Ali Anwar, Raza Muhammad Memon and Zubair Ahmad Nizamani  

Competition indices and monetary advantage index of intercropping maize (Zea mays L.) with legumes under supplementary irrigation in Tselemti District, Northern Ethiopia

January 2020

An understanding of competitive and monetary indices such as land equivalent ratio (LER), land equivalent coefficient (LEC), relative crowding coefficient (K) and monetary advantage index (MAI) is critical in recommending cropping systems in a given area. To appreciate this, an experiment was conducted in Tselemti, Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia. Maize (Zea mays L.) was intercropped with Soybean and Mung bean in a...

Author(s): Tesfahun Mekuanint  

Evaluation of NPSZnB fertilizer levels on yield and yield component of maize (Zea mays L.) at Laelay Adiyabo and Medebay Zana districts, Western Tigray, Ethiopia

November 2019

The use of right amount of fertilizer based on crop requirement has a significant importance for sustainable crop production. Study was undertaken to investigate the effects of NPSZnB blended fertilizer for maize yield production at Laelay Adiyabo and Medebay Zana districts. Seven treatments were used for the field experiment. Treatments were without fertilizer, blanket recommended NP (64 kg N ha-1+69 kg P2O5 ha-1) and...

Author(s): Kinfe Tekulu, Tsadik Tadele, Tewolde Berhe, Weldegebreal Gebrehiwot, Gebresemaeti Kahsu, Solomon Mebrahtom and Goitom Aregawi  

Technological application of the butter of Pentadesma butyracea: A comparative evaluation of its cosmetic behaviour with Vitellaria paradoxa butter

October 2019

Pentadesma butyracea butter is a vegetable fat obtained from the kernels of the P. butyracea tree. It is a potential source of fat for the food and cosmetics sectors. This study evaluated the quality characteristics of the cream and soap processed from the butter of P. butyracea in comparison to similar product from the Vitellaria paradoxa butter. The same cosmetic products were produced with P. butyracea and V....

Author(s): Bernolde P. Ayegnon, Georgina Adjanohoun  and Adéchola P. P. Kayodé  

Evaluation of diallel crosses of maize at multilocation (Zea mays L.) for saline tolerance

September 2019

A diallel cross was produced using diverse maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm of saline tolerant and saline susceptible maize lines as parents. Agronomic performance of the offspring of the diallel cross was examined. Eight germplasm lines bearing diversified agronomic traits of five known tolerant and susceptible lines were involved as parents of the diallel cross that was evaluated at three different ecological areas viz....

Author(s): Md. Motiar Rohman, Mohammad Golam Hossain, Sumaiya Haque Omy, Nusrat Jahan Methela and Md. Rezwan Molla      

Assessment of seed oil yield and characteristics of ten castor plant (Ricinus communis L.) Accessions in Ogbomoso, Nigeria

September 2019

Experiment was conducted to assess the seed oil yield and physical and chemical characteristics of ten castor plant accessions. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design replicated three times. At maturity, the racemes were harvested and seeds were extracted. One hundred gram of seed was taken from each accession for oil extraction. The extracted oils were analysed for physical properties and...

Author(s): Raheem, W. A., Lawal, B. A., Akanbi, W.B. and Ojo, A. M.  

Biomass accumulation and yield expression among winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L. DC) accessions

August 2019

Winged bean accessions were screened to evaluate biomass yield potential. The experiments, carried out during 2015 and 2016 to test nineteen accessions were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design and replicated three times. Data collected on number of days to 50% flowering (DTF), number of days to 50% pod (DTP), total number of pods (TNP) per plant fresh (FSW) and dry shoot weight (DSW), dry pod weight (DPW),...

Author(s): B. A. Lawal, M. A. Azeez, G. O. Egedegbe, A. M. Omogoye, I. A. Raji and E. K. Akintola  

Moisture requirement and water productivity of selected rainfed rice varieties grown under controlled water environment in Ifakara, Tanzania

June 2019

Moisture availability is a fundamental challenge to rice productivity in the rainfed environment. Most of the rice varieties released for cultivation under rainfed ecosystem in Tanzania are missing out on information about their moisture requirement under different soil moisture regimes. A pot experiment was conducted at Ifakara in a split-plot design. The main plots was assigned to water regimes of 100, 75, 50 and 25%...

Author(s): Kitilu M. J. F., Nyomora A. M. S and Charles J.  

Effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) modules on late sown Indian mustard [B. juncea (L.) Cernj. & Cosson] and soil properties

October 2018

A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) modules on yield and soil properties in late sown Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. & Cosson.]. In this study, 16 INM module combinations of organic (Farm yard manure and vermicompost), inorganic and biofertilizers were used. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications....

Author(s): H. Singh, R. P. Singh, B. P. Meena, B. Lal, M. L. Dotaniya, A. O. Shirale and K. Kumar 

Impacts of various fertilizer combinations onto some agronomical traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown employing hazton methods

October 2018

Hazton cultivating methods is an engineered rice cultivation method using old seeds aged 25-30 days after seedling with 20-30 stems per planting hole. The old seeds have several advantages: their harvest period is faster, and  their plant adapts easily and minimize the embroidery. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of various fertilizer combinations and Jajar legowo planting system on the...

Author(s): Hanida Robbani, Widyatmani Sih Dewi, Haryuni Prasojo and Supriyadi  Darsowiyono  

Genotype × environment interaction and stability of oil content of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes in Northern Ethiopia

August 2018

The experiment, for oil content analysis, was conducted for two growing seasons under rain fed condition (2012-2013) in Humera and Dansha, and in a single year (2013 cropping season) in Sheraro (a total of five environments). The experiment, comprised of 13 sesame genotypes, laid out in randomized complete block design of three replications with the objective of determining the magnitude of Genotype × Environment...

Author(s): Fiseha Baraki and Gebrelibanos Gebremariam

Qualitative analysis of enzyme-assisted traditionally extracted shea butter from different pretreated shea kernel substrates

May 2018

The use of enzyme consortium to aid the extraction of shea butter in the traditional village extraction process improves the quality of the shea butter. In  this study, shea butter was extracted from three different shea kennel substrates; raw shea kennels (RASK), roasted shea kennels (ROSK) and shea kennel paste (SKEP) from a single variety of shea nuts (Vitellaria paradoxa) using the standard traditional...

Author(s): Beauty Didia, Zakpaa Hilary D., Mills-Robertson Felix C. and Abdul-Mumeen Iddrisu

Evaluation of the performance of some white seeded sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) genotypes using GGE biplot analysis in Northern Ethiopia

February 2018

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) known as queen of oil seed crops is mainly grown for its oil of local consumption, sources of income and great contribution for the national economy of Ethiopia. However, there is a low productivity and production due to environments, genotypes, interaction and management variation. Four sesame genotypes were evaluated for their interactions with environments and seed yield stability analysis...

Author(s): Fantaye Belay, Hintsa Meresaand Atsbha Gebreslasie

Fatty acid profile of Manketti (Schinziophyton rautanenii) nut oil: Influence of extraction method and experimental evidence on the existence of α-eleostearic acid

August 2017

Fatty acid profile of Manketti oil extracted by screw press (SPE), supercritical fluid, Soxhlet (SE) and mechanical shaking (MS) extractions determined by chromatography (GC). Eight fatty acids were identified using authentic standards; two were  calculated by equivalent chain lengths (ECL) values; α-eleostearic acid was identified by GC and spectroscopic techniques while three could not be identified. The...

Author(s): Gwatidzo L., Botha B. M. and McCrindle R. I.

Performance evaluation of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] hybrids in the moisture stress conditions of Abergelle District, Northern Ethiopia

April 2017

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grown under rain-fed conditions is usually affected by moisture stress at different stages, resulting in reduced yield. The assessment of variation in agronomic traits contributing towards drought escaping at these stages is of vital importance. This study was conducted during 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons using a randomized complete block design with three replications to evaluate...

Author(s): Fantaye Belay and Hintsa Meresa

Determination of optimum seed rate for the production of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in the lowlands of North Shewa, Ethiopia

April 2017

On-farm study was conducted in the lowland areas of Kewot district in the North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia on two sites during 2011 crop season to determine optimum seed rate of sesame. Four seed rates (2, 4, 6 and 8 kg ha-1) of sesame cultivar Adi, were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications at each experimental site. The results of analysis of variance showed that location and seed rate...

Author(s): Mebrate Tamrat Woldeselassie and Daniel Admasu

Effects of crop improvement technologies on downy mildew of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.

March 2017

Pearl millet is potentially prone to diseases as such downy mildew caused by Sclerospora graminicola causing losses in grain yield. Crop improvement technologies such as seed priming and fertilizer micro-dosing have only been applied to improve crop production without assessing their implications in the diseases of crops. This study examines the effects of these technologies on downy mildew of pearl millet. An...

Author(s): M. B. Jidda and A. B. Anaso

Phosphorus and sulphur releasing pattern and their availability for maize cultivation

February 2017

Maize is the third most important cereal crop next to rice and wheat in the world as well as in India. Maize has the higher yield potential and responds greatly to applied fertilizers especially in the irrigated conditions in Tamil Nadu. Phosphorus and sulphur are the major yield limiting factors after nitrogen in the study area (Sivagangai district of Tamil Nadu) and proper management of nutrients is essential to...

Author(s): S. Nanthakumar and P. Panneerselvam

Physiological quality and vigor of sesame seeds due to organic fertilizing and fruits position on stem

January 2017

The sesame fruits present differences on maturity due to their position on the plant stem. Thus, the objective of this paper is to evaluate the physiological quality of sesame seeds from three fruits locations on the plant stem (lower, middle and upper thirds) due to fertilizing with cattle manure (0, 20, 40 and 60 t.ha-1). We evaluated the germination percentage, first germination count, germination speed index,...

Author(s): Ronimeire Torres da Silva, Alexandre Bosco de Oliveira, Maria de Fatima Queiroz Lopes, Fuad Pereira Nogueira Filho, Andre´ Luis da Silva Parente Nogueira, Maria Neurilan Costa Silva

Response of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) to fertilizer application and weeds control in South-Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia

December 2016

The effect of N and P fertilizers and weeds control on yield and yield components of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) were studied in South-Eastern highlands of Ethiopia at four locations during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 main cropping seasons. Split plot design with three replications was used. The main plot was allocated for four weeding frequencies and sub-plot was allocated for eight fertilizer rates. Results indicated...

Author(s): Abebe Delesa and Adane Choferie

Rheological characteristics and fatty acid compositions of Afzelia africana and Detarium microcarpum seed oils

October 2016

The rheological characteristics of oils isolated from the seeds of Afzelia africana and Detarium microcarpum were studied and compared with rapeseed oil. The effects of shear rate and temperature on the flow characteristics were evaluated. The shear stress- shear rate rheological models: Herschel-Bulkley, Power law, Binghan, Newtonian and Casson were used to determine the flow characteristics. All the oils exhibited...

Author(s): Louis M. Nwokocha and Funmilayo T. Olorunsola

Stability analysis of grain yield in rice genotypes across environments of Jimma Zone, Western Ethiopia

September 2016

Genotype by environment interaction (GEI) is a major complication in plant breeding. An assessment of genotypes across diversified environment and season is important for releasing of varieties. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of GEI in fourteen NERICA rice genotype and their adaptation in two years at three locations in the production year 2009 and 2010. The trial was laid out in randomized...

Author(s): Mulugeta Seyou, Sentayehu Alamerew and Kassahun Bantte

Factors influencing the demand for improved maize open pollinated varieties (OPVs) by smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

July 2016

Maize is one of the most important crops grown by smallholder farmers in Amatole and O.R. Tambo Districts of the Eastern Cape Province. Improved open pollinated varieties of maize have been shown by studies to be relatively drought tolerant as compared to hybrids, and can be a valuable step if adopted and used by smallholder farmers. This study assessed the factors that influence the demand for improved maize OPVs in...

Author(s): M. Sibanda, A. Mushunje and C.S. Mutengwa

Physical characteristics and nutritional quality of salt tolerant rice genotypes

July 2016

Rice is recently introduced in Ethiopia, rice production is expanding very fast. However, the grain quality of the high yielding varieties in the country is not well characterized. The present study was carried out to evaluate some important physical characteristics and nutritional qualities of 15 rice genotypes. The experiment was conducted at Bahirdar University food and nutrition laboratory from July to August, 2015....

Author(s): Beakal Tadesse Girma, Hussein Mohammed and Kebede Abegaz

Assessment of intra and inter species variation in antioxidant composition and activity in marginalized Fonio millet (Digitaria spp.)

June 2016

Fonio (Digitaria spp.) is a highly nutritious, health promoting and cheaply available cereal which is, however, marginalized in many parts of Nigeria, and research attention on the crop is yet to measure up to its usefulness as a dietary staple. In this study therefore, five accessions each of two common species (Digitaria exilis and Digitaria iburua) were assessed for intra and inter- species variation in antioxidant...

Author(s): Peter Nkachukwu Chukwurah, Edak Aniedi Uyoh, Isabella Ngunengen Usen, Ekerette Emmanuel Ekerette and  Nneka Constance Ogbonna

Variability studies for quality traits in rice with high iron and zinc content in segregating population

September 2015

More than half of the world’s population, especially women and children in the developing countries suffer from micronutrient malnutrition especially deficiency in iron and zinc. Micronutrient malnutrition problems increased the interest of researchers to increase the mineral contents (Fe and Zn) in cereals to ensure adequate attainment of dietary minerals. A lot of variability does exist for micronutrients (Fe,...

Author(s): M. Sala, C. R. Ananda kumar and S. Geetha

Physiological parameters of seed vigour in ex situ stored sorghum germplasm

July 2015

Viability and vigour are seed quality parameters that affect the seed chain. Seed vigour is a measure of accumulated damage in seed as viability declines from physiological maturity. This study aimed at determining the seed vigour of various sorghum genotypes stored ex situ for 10 years using the Heat Shock Stress Test (HSST), Cold Test (CT), Standard Germination Test (SGT) and field germination. The samples from the...

Author(s): R. Moyo, E. Ndlovu, N. Moyo, S. Kudita and M. Maphosa

Yield, quality, kinetics and thermodynamics studies on extraction of Thevetia peruviana oil from its oil bearing seeds

June 2015

The present research shows possibility of extracting Thevetia peruviana oil from its oil bearing seeds by cold and soxhlet extraction methods, using petroleum ether as extracting solvent at room temperature and 40 to 60°C respectively. Characterisation of the oil showed that the percentage oil yield, acid value, saponification value and viscosity increased as temperature of soxhlet extraction increased, while the...

Author(s): J. M. Jabar, L. Lajide, A. O. Adetuyi, B. J. Owolabi, I. O. Bakare, T. G. Abayomi and A. L. Ogunneye

Influence of different dates of sowing and spacings on growth and yield of scented rice cv. pusa sugandh-3 under temperate conditions of Kashmir

May 2015

A field experiment was conducted during kharif seasons of 2013 and 2014 to determine the effect of different dates of sowing and spacing on growth and yield of scented rice (Pusa sugandh -3) under temperate condition of Kashmir. The soil of the experimental field was silty clay loam in texture with neutral pH, low in available nitrogen and medium in available phosphorus and potassium. The experiment comprised of 9...

Author(s): Asma Fayaz, Purshotam Singh, Sameera Qayoom, Latief Ahmad, Bilal Lone, Lal Singh and Kanwal Nain Singh

Effect of seedling age and spacing schedule on the productivity and quality traits of rice under system of rice intensification (SRI)

April 2015

Studies on the effects of seedling age and spacing schedule on the productivity and quality traits of rice adopted under system of rice intensification (SRI) was taken up at Seed Research and Technology Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during kharif, 2008 and 2009 using popular rice cultivar, Swarna (MTU 7029). 16 days seedlings planted at 20 × 20 cm, 12 days / 20 × 20 cm (56.2 q/ha) and 14 days / 20 ×...

Author(s): K. Kanaka Durga, P. Sambasiva Rao and K. Raju

Assessment of some heavy metals concentration in selected cereals collected from local markets of Ambo City, Ethiopia

March 2015

The concentrations of nine heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Cr, Pb and Cd) in four varieties of cereals (wheat, barley, sorghum and maize) purchased from Ambo market, Ethiopia were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers (AAS). Dry ashing method was used to destroy the organic matter to determine the content of nine heavy metals. The results showed that the concentrations of heavy metals in mg...

Author(s): Wodaje Addis Tegegne

Genetic diversity analysis of local and foreign sunflower germplasm (Helianthus annuus) for the national breeding program: Zimbabwe

February 2015

Characterisation of germplasm resources is vital for efficient management of breeding programs. Commonly used methods include biochemical, morpho-agronomic, molecular and to some extent cytological characterisation. With an effort to rescuscitate an ailing national sunflower breeding program after a series of major droughts, 16 female (A) lines and 10 male (R) lines were morphologically characterised. Ten morphological...

Author(s): Masvodza D. R., Gasura E., Zifodya N., Sibanda P. and Chisikaurayi B.

Evaluation of anti-lodging plant growth regulators on the growth and development of rice (Oryza sativa)

November 2014

Lodging is characterized by the reduction in plant canopy and the bending or fall over of mature plants with panicles on the soil or water resulting in yield and quality decline. It may be induced by variations in crop nutrition, water management, susceptible tall varieties and windy conditions. In all cases the plant stem base is unusually weak with a reduced diameter. This study evaluated the use of  2 plant...

Author(s): Puran Bridgemohan and Ronell S. H. Bridgemohan

Effects of nitrogen and sulphur on seedling establishment, vegetative growth and nitrogen use efficiency of canola (Brassica napus L.) grown in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

October 2014

Variability in soil properties and rainfall distribution is generally high in canola growing areas of Western Cape Province of South Africa. Rainfall intensity generally influences soil moisture levels and utilization of major nutrients like nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) required to maximize canola growth and development. Hence this research was intended to determine effect of soil and climatic differences, as...

Author(s): W. Ngezimana and G. A. Agenbag

Effect of farm nutrient resources along with inorganic phosphorus (P) supplying fertilizers on high quality maize production

April 2014

In order to evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic phosphorus (P) sources on quality attributes of maize crop, a field experiment was conducted in a neutral normal soil during June 2007. The experimental plot was located at Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India. The experimental soil has the pH of 7.2, EC 4 dSm-1 and the available phosphorus content is 8 kg ha-1.There were nine treatments imposed in randomized block...

Author(s): M. Manimaran

Effect of different doses of herbicides on yield attributes and grain yield of dry seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.)

December 2013

A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2002 to find out the effective dose and stage of application of cyhalofopbutyl at 80, 100 and 120 g ha-1, quinclorac at 125, 187.5 and 250 g ha-1, clefoxydim at 50, 75 and 100 g ha-1 applied at 15 DAS and  pretilachlor at 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 kg ha-1, pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1 applied as pre-emergence for studying their effect on yield attributes and grain...

Author(s): Fayaz Ahmed Bahar and Zahida Rashid

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