Article in Press
Purpose – The study aimed to examine the mediating role of frontline employee job satisfaction in the relationship between abusive customer behavior and employee turnover intentions in the restaurant industry. The study also assesses the power imbalance between frontline employees (FLE) and customers in the restaurant. And evaluate the mechanics of frontline employees' response to abusive consumer behavior and its effect...
The future perspective of tourism statistics
Article in Press
This article discusses, in brief, the future of tourism statistics for users and producers of tourism statistics founded on literature. Tourism industry changes, novel technologies and methodological changes have affected tourism statistics in presentation and use. Henceforth careful consideration to novel data gathering approaches and analytics is essential in the future of tourism statistics. An integrated and attentive...
Article in Press
In the present paper the central issue concerns initially the clarification of the main methods that are implied by the Greek enterprises which are activated in the wine section, with the aim of increasing the perceived value of their wine products. Likewise, it constitutes an attempt to determine in what extend the perceived value of wine products is influential with a positive way to the consumers’ behavior and if it is...
Article in Press
This article sought to determine the attitudes and awareness levels of local hotel guests towards guest facing environmentally friendly hotel green gadgets and practices. Calls by various authors in existing literature to include hotel guests in greening efforts also prompted the study. 384 conveniently selected domestic hotel guests from 50 of the 124 hotels registered in the country instituted the study participants. The...
Article in Press
This study examines crisis management practices (CMPs) and their implication for sustainable tourism management on Ethiopian tour operating firms in the field of tourism development management during the global coronavirus (COVID-19) disease. The purpose of this study is to analyze how tour operating firms reacted to the crisis caused by the disease and its implication for sustainable tourism management. The present...
Article in Press
Within the hospitality industry, the hotel sector’s vulnerabilities are multi-faceted. Hotel management suffers various disruptive events globally in the like of natural disasters, terrorism, criminal activities, employee errors, negligence and accidents. Dynamism and disruptions are inevitable for those operating hotel businesses. The hospitality industry thus needs to be very sensitive to these disruptions and its...
Tourism and Hospitality Investment Opportunities and Challenges in Gondar City, Ethiopia
Article in Press
Tourism and hospitality industry investment creates economic and social benefits of the society. The main purpose of this study was to explore investment opportunities and challenges of tourism and hospitality industry in Gondar city. Descriptive research design and mixed approach was employed for this study. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaires from a sample of 194 households and qualitative data was...
Tourism Existential Authenticity
Article in Press
Tourism existential authenticity not only comprises of subjective authenticity of tourist,but also of subjective authenticity of local community and tourism practitioners.Based on peer-reviewed studies,the concept characteristics and mechanism about tourism authenticity are put forward,and authenticities of tourists,local community and tourism practitioners are analysed from intra-personal and inter-personal perspectives....
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of food safety among food-handlers at hipster café
Article in Press
Abstract – Decent personal hygiene and food safety practices are vital in foodservice establishments such as restaurant or café. It should assure the food is safe to be consumed by the consumers. Yet, food poisoning cases were still arising from time to time. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices in term of food safety among food-handlers, particularly in a café setting....
Challenges and Opportunities of Marketing Tourist Destinations in Ethiopia: A case of Aksum
Article in Press
Aksum is recognized as the origin of Ethiopian ancient civilization which is one of the ancient civilizations of Africa. However, the numbers of tourists visiting Aksum are very small when compared with the potential. This inverse relationship between the tourism potentials and the actual performance of the sector in Aksum can be because of various challenges. Marketing related factors can be taken as among the key ones....
Article in Press
Archaeological tourism is a form of cultural tourism which aims to promote public interest in archaeology and the conservation of historical and archaeological sites. Although the Lower Valley of The Awash site in Ethiopia is bestowed with abundant natural and cultural tourism resources, scientific exploration of its potential for archaeological tourism development is unrealized. Thus, the study employed Butler Tourism...
Social media technologies and internal marketing in Zimbabwean hotels
Article in Press
The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which the use of social media technologies in internal marketing contributes to Zimbabwean hotels. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the current state of the use of social media technologies in internal marketing activities in Zimbabwean hotels, to assess the extent to which the use of social media technologies in internal marketing contributes to...
Tourism development and socio-cultural impact in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: conflicts or co: exists?
Article in Press
Tourism immensely tends to be an important tool for the community development for many developing countries. There is a massive impact of tourism on the host community which often receives less concentration especially in developing societies where economic benefits appear to be the first priority. This study has reviewed the “Social Exchange Theory†to understand the existing knowledge on perceptions and interactions...
Article in Press
The purpose of this study was to assess the potentials of the forest for ensuring the community based tourism development in Alemsaga Priority State Forest South Gondar zone. The study was descriptive design and employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Questionnaires, key Informants Interviews, focus group discussion, Observations and review of secondary sources were the main data gathering tools....
The Hidden Treasure of Tedbabe Mariam and its Role for Tourism Development
Article in Press
South Wollo Zone is one of the Zones found in Amhara Region. It is endowed with different historical, cultural and natural attractions which make the tourists entertained, amazed and creates breathtaking feeling. Among the treasures found in the Zone is the Rise Adibarat Wogedamat (first among its peers and head of all churches and Monasteries) Tedbabe Mariam church. The principal objective of this study is to investigate...
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