How to cite this article
Katche, K. E, Souaga, K. A., Kirioua-kamenan, Y. A., Amani, K. A., Kendja, K. F., Niava, G. R., & Ruggieri, G. (2021). Short-term follow-up of patients implanted with aortic valve bioprosthesis sutureless type Intuity Elite at the Robert Debré University Hospital in Reims (France). African Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 13(1), 7-12.
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Katche Koutoua Eric, Souaga Kouassi Antonin, Kirioua-kamenan Yeboua Aim&e, Amani Kwadjau Anderson, Kendja Kouassi Flavien, Niava Gnamien Randolphe and Ruggieri Giovanni
. "Short-term follow-up of patients implanted with aortic valve bioprosthesis sutureless type Intuity Elite at the Robert Debré University Hospital in Reims (France)." African Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 13, no. 1 (2021): 7-12.
Katche Koutoua Eric, et al. "Short-term follow-up of patients implanted with aortic valve bioprosthesis sutureless type Intuity Elite at the Robert Debré University Hospital in Reims (France)." African Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 13.1 (2021): 7-12.