African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6901

Table of Content: 10 May, 2018; 13(19)

May 2018

On-farm irrigated maize production in the Somali Gu season

Domestic production satisfies less than half of Somalia’s cereal requirements. In this study, the Somali Agriculture Technical Group (SATG) evaluated different methods of nitrogen application (Broadcast, Hill, or Row) within an improved irrigated maize production system in Somalia’s Lower Shebelle riverine region. This improved system consisted of the best management practices (BMPs) recommended by SATG...

Author(s): Ryan Gavin, Hussein Haji, Nicolas Jelinski, Allison Harvey and Paul Porter

May 2018

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genetic diversity in a set of Burkina Faso cowpea germplasm

The potential of cowpea to address food security in Burkina Faso in particular is well established as it is a nutritious, cash and cover crop. However, there is limited information on existing germplasm diversity in Burkina Faso. This study was designed to gather some information on the genetic diversity in a set of cowpea lines introduced from different breeding programs. The diversity was therefore assessed using 181...

Author(s): Teyioué Benoit Joseph Batieno, Oumarou Souleymane, Jean-Baptiste, Tignegre, Bao-Lam, Huynh, Francis Kusi, S. Leandre Poda, Timothy J, Close, Philip, Roberts, Eric Danquah, Kwadwo Ofori and Tinga Jeremy, Ouedraogo

May 2018

Productivity of Irish potato varieties under increasing nitrogen fertilizer application rates in Eastern Rwanda

Irish potatoes are an important crop only promoted in cool and high moist conditions of Rwanda. This study explored the productivity of Irish potatoes varieties under increasing nitrogen fertilizer applications in drier agro-climatic conditions of the eastern Rwanda. Potato seeds mass-selected from locally-grown varieties in the region surrounding Kibungo town (-2.160897°, 30.543591°) were planted under rain-fed...

Author(s): Karemangingo C. and Bugenimana D. E.

May 2018

Nutritional quality of tomatoes as a function of nitrogen sources and doses

Vegetable consumers are increasingly demanding high quality products. Among factors that can influence the nutritional quality of tomato fruits, mineral nutrition stands out. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen sources and doses on the nutritional quality of tomato fruits. The experiment was carried out in pots in an experimental area at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa -...

Author(s): Natália Silva Assunção, Maria Elisa de Sena Fernandes, Leonardo Angelo Aquino, Flávio Lemes Fernandes and Natalia Oliveira Silva