African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 26 November, 2015; 10(48)

November 2015

The nitrogen supply in wheat cultivation dependent on weather conditions and succession system in southern Brazil

High wheat yields, besides the genetic potential and edaphoclimatic conditions, are obtained by proper management and nitrogen use. The objective of the study was to define the most appropriate time for N-fertilizer application, considering the range of greatest wheat requirements, dependent on the succession system type and the predictability of favorable and unfavorable years. The study was carried out in the 2008 to...

Author(s): Emilio Ghisleni Arenhardt, José Antonio Gonzalez da Silva, Ewerton Gewehr, Antonio Costa de Oliveira, Manuel Osorio Binelo, Antonio Carlos Valdiero, Maria Eduarda Gzergorczick and Andressa Raquel Cyzeski de Lima

November 2015

Oxisolphysical attributes under different agricultural uses in Brazil

Soil attributes are easily modified for different agricultural purposes, requiring the adoption of appropriate practices, according to the local particularities in order to maintain its production capacity. Given the above, this study aimed to assess soil physical attributes under different agricultural uses conditions in an Oxisol. The survey was conducted in Brazil with the following treatments: ​​Cassava...

Author(s): Luiz Eduardo Vieira de Arruda, Jeane Cruz Portela, Nildo da Silva Dias, Vania Christina Nascimento Porto, Miguel Ferreira Neto, Safira Yara Azevedo Medeiros da Silva,Maria Clara Correia Dias and Tarcísio José de Oliveira Filho

November 2015

The distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes of Musa spp. in Nsukka Agricultural Ecological zone, Enugu State, Nigeria

Studies on the root nematodes of Musa spp. in Nsukka Agro-ecological zone of Enugu state, Nigeria, was carried out in sixteen towns located in this zone. The study involved collecting data on the distribution, incidence and abundance of nematode parasites on Musa spp., generating information on geo-physical, agricultural and historical data in the study area, examining nematode egg mass burden in Musa spp. roots and...

Author(s): Okafor O. E., Ugwuoke K. I., Mba C. L., Okafor F. C. and Mbadianya J. I.

November 2015

Water use efficiency of controlled alternate irrigation on wheat/faba bean intercropping

Water supply is limited worldwide and there is a need for saving of water in irrigation. In this study, two irrigation methods, that is, conventional irrigation (CI), alternate irrigation (AI, alternate watering on both sides of the row), and three planting patterns, that is, sole wheat, sole faba bean and wheat/faba bean intercropping were applied on root box experiment. Results showed that the yields of intercropping...

Author(s): Yang Caihong, Chai Qiang, Li Guang, Feng Fuxue and Wang Li

November 2015

Ecological diversity and economical importance of species from Aphanomyces genus

Species from Aphanomyces genus were investigated in 225 limnologically and trophically different water bodies (springs, rivers, ponds and lakes) as well as in humid soils of north- eastern Poland. Distribution of particular species and their role in diverse ecosystems has been investigated. Thirty taxa, including: 2 species of cultivated parasitic plants, 3 species of parasitic animals, 6 saprotrophic species and 5...

Author(s): Bazyli Czeczuga, Ewa Czeczuga-Semeniuk and Adrianna Semeniuk- Grell

November 2015

A comparative study on nitrogen response among Upland, IRHTN, DRR and other released rice groups

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on growth, development and yield of Upland, IRHTN, DRR and other released rice groups. Six varieties from each group, a total of 18 genotypes were planted in randomized complete block design during dry (2011) and wet (2012) seasons with three replications at Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad. Group responses to the N-stress...

Author(s): Swamy K. N., Kondamudi R., Vijayalakshmi P., Jaldhani V., Suchandranath B. M., Kiran T. V., Srikanth B., Subhakar R. I., Sailaja N., Surekha K., Neeraja C. N., Subba Rao L. V., Raghuveer Rao P., Subrahmanyam D. and Voleti S. R.

November 2015

Effect of Annona muricata L. (1753) (Annonaceae) seeds extracts on Tetranychus urticae (Koch, 1836) (Acari: Tetranychidae)

The use of botanical acaricides extracted from plants as an alternative to replace the chemical acaricides is an interesting and efficient option to control pests and ameliorate their toxic effects to humans and the environment. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed extracts of Annona muricata (Annonaceae) to control the mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) using disks of 5.0 cm in diameter...

Author(s): Anilde G. S. Maciel, Jessica S. Rodrigues, Roseane C. P. Trindade, Edmilson S. Silva, Antonio E. G. Sant’Ana and Eurico E. P. Lemos

November 2015

Use of atmometers to estimate reference evapotranspiration in Arkansas

Evapotranspiration (ET) data from atmometers were compared against evapotranspiration estimated by the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation, recommended method, in order to evaluate the accuracy of atmometers. Measurements by 3 atmometers with grass cover and 3 atmometers with alfalfa cover were compared, for one growing season, to Penman Monteith based grass and alfalfa equation–(ET0_PM and ETr_PM,, respectively)....

Author(s): Lamine DIOP, Ansoumana BODIAN and Dior DIALLO

November 2015

Agribusiness gross domestic product (GDP) in the Brazilian region of paraná and, the economic development of its agricultural cooperatives

This paper presents the estimation and analysis of the agribusiness GDP in the Brazilian state of Paraná between 2006 and 2011, and its comparison with the economic development of the state’s agricultural cooperatives in the same period. The GDP aggregates were detailed in the analysis that allowed assessment of the distribution of the respective inputs from agriculture, industry, and the distribution and...

Author(s): Ricardo Kureski, Vilmar Rodrigues Moreira, Claudimar Pereira da Veiga, and Jessé Aquino Rodrigues