January 2015
Effect of planting space on plant population at harvest and tuber yield in taro (Colocasia esculenta L).
A two year study was carried out in two locations in south eastern Nigeria in the years 2008 and 2009, to determine the effect of planting space on plant population at harvest, and corm yield in cocoyam cultivars. This was aimed to identify optimum planting space for optimum cocoyam production. Five taro cultivars; Nkpong, Ugwuta, Nworoko, Odogolo and Nadu were used. Three planting space; 50 x 100 cm, 40 x 100 cm...
January 2015
Production and bromatological composition of cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha and Campo Grande stylo monocropped and intercropped under different planting methods
This study was conducted to assess the production and bromatological composition of cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha (cvs. Marandu and Xaraés) and Campo Grande stylo (Stylosanthes ssp) monocropped and intercropped under different planting methods for a period of two years. The experimental design used consisted of randomized complete blocks, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of the following forage...
January 2015
Evaluation of agro-morphological diversity of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Niger
This work evaluated a collection of hundred groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties from different origin using twenty four (24) agro-morphological traits that can help to enhance selection efficiency in crop improvement. The experiment was carried out at the experimental station of INRAN-Tarna, in the region of Maradi (Niger) during the rainy season of 2010. Analysis of variance showed a large variability among...
January 2015
Impact of nutrient management technologies in transplanted rice under irrigated domains of Central India
An experiment on impact of different approaches of nutrient management in transplanted rice was conducted in participatory mode on mixed red to shallow black soils under irrigated domains in Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills zone of central India. The study was carried out for three consecutive years since kharif 2008. The results revealed that the application of organic inoculants viz. blue green algae (BGA) and...
January 2015
Evaluation of different fungicides, bioagents and botanicals against Alternaria blight caused by Alternaria helianthi (Hansf) of sunflower
Alternaria blight (Alternaria helianthi Hansf) is one of the major diseases of sunflower during Kharif season in Maharashtra. Present Lab study was conducted at Department of Plant Pathology and field experiment at Oilseed Research Station, College of Agriculture, Latur, VNMKV, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India. Here, six fungicides were evaluated at 500, 1000, 2000 and 2500 ppm; five botanicals each at 10 and 20%) by...
January 2015
Effect of Copper (Cu) application on soil available nutrients and uptake
Effects of annual spraying of copper (Cu) fungicide by cocoa farmers in Nigeria needs immediate investigation to avoid copper toxicity which will affect uptake of other essential nutrients for plant growth. Laboratory and Screenhouse studies were carried out to investigate the effects of Cu application on availability of P, Zn, Fe and growth of maize. In the laboratory, copper was applied as CuSO4 at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40...
January 2015
Soil hydrophobicity and crop evapotranspiration of two indigenous vegetables under different wastewater irrigations in southwest Nigeria
The increased demand for irrigation to boost food supply has placed emphasis on the use of wastewaters. However, the indiscriminate use of wastewaters could impair soil functions and influence other hydrologic processes. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil hydrophobicity and evapotranspiration of two indigenous vegetables under wastewater irrigation in southwest Nigeria. The study was a factorial...
January 2015
Analysis of the laying characteristics of Nera black hens in a hot and humid environment
The study was conducted to analyze the laying characteristics of Nera black hens in a hot and humid environment and assess the physical characteristics of good, intermediate and poor layers. Seventy-five eight months old Nera black hens of mean body weight 1.35 ± 0.24 kg (range: 1.20 -1.65 kg) in their 12th week of lay and housed individually in battery cages were used for the study. Eggs were collected daily and...
January 2015
Impact of age and gender on postural stress of dairy workers
Postural stress was measured by assessing time spent in different body postures, frequency of adopting various body postures and angle of body deviations in lumber region of dairy workers during milking. Findings of study suggested that squatting posture was adopted for the longest period of time along with standing posture as a frequently adopted posture by all dairy workers. Further, time spent in different posture...
January 2015
Initial growth of Moringa oleifera Lam. under different planting densities in autumn/winter in south Brazil
Plant densities that decrease interplant competition can improve Moringa oleifera growth and yield by better use of resources and information about its cultivation in the autumn/winter season is necessary. An experiment was conducted to investigate the viability for the cultivation under the edafoclimatic conditions of the southern Brazil, region of subtropical climate. In addition, it was determined effect of planting...
January 2015
Study on biochemical constituents of Sclerotium rolfsii, a causal agent of stem rot of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Sclerotium rolfsii is a ubiquitous soil-borne fungal pathogen known to cause disease on worldwide range of agricultural and horticultural crops. In spite of economic loss caused by this pathogen, very few reports were available on this aspect, biochemical characterization of the S. rolfsii; hence the present study was under taken to study the biochemical characterization of S. rolfsii. Qualitative and quantitative...
January 2015
Cultivation of soybean varieties under cross-seeding system
The aim of this study was to evaluate the productivity of four varieties of soybean grown under both cross-seeding and conventional systems. The experiment was conducted in Campina da Lagoa, in the state of Paraná, Brazil during the period from October to February 2012/2013 in a completely randomized factorial scheme (4x2) with five replications. Treatments consisted of four soybean varieties: 4990 Nidera RR,...
January 2015
Diagnostic of the use and management of factors of production used in dairy farming in the nothwest region of Paraná, Brazil
The aim of this study was to carry out a diagnostic of the use and management of factors of production used in dairy farming in the Northwest region of Paraná, Brazil. Interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire were held with 19 of the region’s milk producers chosen at random. To evaluate the profiles of the producers and their farms in terms of characteristics of management and use, the data obtained...
January 2015
Study on prevalence of poultry coccidiosis in Nekemte town, East Wollega, Ethiopia
A cross sectional study was conducted between November, 2013 and June, 2014 to determine the prevalence of chicken coccidiosis, identify Eimeria species and assess different risk factors in free ranging and intensively managed chickens. Test tube flotation technique was used for qualitative study of coccidian oocysts. Of 384 chickens examined, an overall prevalence of 19.5% (75) was found. The prevalence of coccidiosis...
January 2015
Use of micronutrients in tropical and sub-tropical fruit crops: A review
Soil is the reservoir of macro and micro nutrients with the inception of commercial farming the emphasis is given to production without taking care of soil health and eventually soil health deteriorates and production falls. One of the very important components of soil health remained neglected and now reached to the threatening level. Management of balanced nutrients has become of vital importance. Without minimizing...
January 2015
Determinants of change and household responses to food insecurity: Empirical evidence from Nigeria
Limited economic and physical capacities as well as environmental and economic shocks have constrained the ability of many Nigerian households to feed themselves adequately. This has resulted in food shortages; and they had to adopt various consumption-related strategies to mitigate the effect of the shortfalls. Using the 2010/2011 Nigeria Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture data and the...
January 2015
Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in the Central Rift Valley Region of Ethiopia: Case of Arsi Negele District
The objective of this research paper was to assess the spatial and temporal Land Use/Land Cover Changes (LU/LCC) in Arsi Negele District. Rapid population growth, agricultural expansion, environmental fluctuations, degradation of natural resource and loss of biodiversity are the most visible socio-economic and environmental problem in the study area. Satellite imagery, ground control point data and household level...