October 2016
SIM2PeD– Intelligent monitoring system for prevention of diabetic foot
Diabetes is an endocrine chronic disease that causes high blood sugar level, produced by retardation in, or deficiency of, glucose metabolism in the body of the individual with the disease. Neuropathies and/or angiopathies are complications of diabetes that result in changes in the lower limbs which subsequently evolve for the diabetic foot. Diabetic foot represents one of the most devastating complications of diabetes...
October 2016
Lipase production from a wild (LPF-5) and a mutant (HN1) strain of Aspergillus niger
In this study, a wild (LPF-5) and a mutant (HN1) strain of A. niger were compared for lipase production. Several physical parameters (carbon source, nitrogen source, pH, temperature and incubation period) were optimized for maximization of lipase production. Lipase activity between wild type and mutant strain were compared. Among all carbon sources, mixture of glucose (1%, w/v) and olive oil (1%, v/v) exhibited maximum...
October 2016
Comparison of protease production from newly isolated bacterial strains T5, T3 and H3 after immobilization
Protease has gained a very important position in many industries such as food, pharmaceutical, chemical and leather industries. In this research, protease was obtained from bacteria. The bacterial strain was obtained from soil which was collected from different areas of Lahore, Pakistan. Fermentation medium (by using sub-merged fermentation technique) was incubated for 48 h at 37°C temperature and agitation speed of...
October 2016
DNA markers reveal genetic structure and localized diversity of Ethiopian sorghum landraces
North Eastern Ethiopia is a major sorghum-growing region. A total of 415 sorghum landraces were sampled to represent the range of agro-ecologies (three altitude ranges) as well as spatial heterogeneity, that is, 4 zones: North Welo, South Welo, Oromiya and North Shewa with each zone containing 2 to 5 districts. The landraces were genotyped with simple sequence repeats (SSR) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR)...
October 2016
Molecular screening of rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm for Xa4, xa5 and Xa21 bacterial leaf blight (BLB) resistant genes using linked marker approach
Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) has now become one of major rice diseases. During recent years, its occurrence has increased in Pakistan, particularly in ‘Kallar tract’ which is well-known for quality rice cultivation. Development of new resistant varieties by utilizing the available resistant gene-pool is most reliable breeding technique for the plant breeders. The...
October 2016
Drying kinetics of Baru almond (Dipteryx alata Vog) used for the production of biodiesel
This study aimed to evaluate the drying kinetics of Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog), fit different mathematical models to the experimental values as a function of the water content, determine the diffusion coefficient and energy of Baru almonds during the drying process. Baru almonds were dried at 50, 60 and 70°C temperatures in a tray dryer until the water content reached 13% b.u. A non-linear regression analysis was...
October 2016
Renal and hepatic histopathology of intraperitoneally administered potassium permanganate on Clarias gariepinus juveniles
The biochemistry and histopathology of intraperitoneally administered potassium permanganate was investigated in Clarias gariepinus. Acute toxicity of the KMnO4 was determined by intraperitoneally injecting the fish with 0.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 mg/kg. The 96 h lethal concentration (LC50) value obtained from the intraperitoneal injection of the juveniles of C. gariepinus with KMnO4 was 2.001 mg/kg KMnO4 at 95%...
October 2016
Development of ethanol production from cooking oil glycerol waste by mutant Enterobacter aerogenes
Bacterial strains, capable of producing ethanol by using cooking oil glycerol waste (derived from biodiesel production) as sole C-source were screened from soil samples. Based on 16S rRNA sequence, the selected strain was identified as Enterobacter aerogenes G2WG. The sequence was submitted to GenBank and the accession number KU315428 was obtained. The genetic nature of the wild type strain was altered for enhancing...
October 2016
Production, characterisation and flocculation mechanism of bioflocculant TMT-1 from marine Bacillus pumilus JX860616
Bioflocculant from marine Bacillus pumilus JX860616 was characterised and its flocculation mechanism determined. The bacterium was identified by 16S rRNA and the bioflocculant was obtained through solvent extraction after optimum medium composition and culture conditions were established. The physicochemical analysis of the bioflocculant were obtained by scanning electron microscopic (SEM) equipped with elemental...