African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 22 March, 2017; 16(12)

March 2017

Microsatellite, inter simple sequence repeat and biochemical analyses of Rosa genotypes from Saudi Arabia

Rosa damascena Mill. as a main economic crop in the world is planted for beauty and essential oil production in Ta’if region. For the management and improvement of this important crop, genetic variability was evaluated amongst six Rosa genotypes grown in different plantations using microsatellite (simple sequence repeats, SSR), inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and biochemical markers. The six SSR primers showed...

Author(s): Shawkat M. Ahmed, Hadeer Y. Darwish, and Khalid H. Alamer

March 2017

PCR validation of predicted virulence factors in a collection of Xanthomonas campestris (pv. musacearum and vascolurum) strains

Bacterial plant pathogens belonging to the Xanthomonas genus are adapted to their host plants and are not known to colonize other environments. Xanthomonas colonize host parts such as leaves, stems and roots before entering vascular tissues and engaging in an invasive pathogenic phase. These bacterial strains have evolved strategies to adapt to life in this environment. The host-pathogen interactions of Xanthomonas...

Author(s): Arthur Wasukira, Geoffrey Tusiime and Jerome Kubiriba

March 2017

A study on metallo-β-lactamases producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water samples from various parts of Malaysia

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram negative aerobic rod shaped bacterium and is an opportunistic pathogen that usually causes nosocomial infection in immunocompromised patient with various infections and affects normal healthy human as well. P. aeruginosa is also an omnipresent pathogen that can be inhabited in soil, water, vegetable, human and animal. Metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) producing P. aeruginosa are known to...

Author(s): Nagaraja Suryadevara, Ooi Yi Shuang and Paulraj Ponnaiah

March 2017

Ethanolic Allium sativum extract down-regulates the pelF gene involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation

Exploration of efficacious plant extracts that can reduce or inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation is necessary. Allium sativum is a suitable candidate because of its relative abundance. This study was carried out to determine the effect of ethanolic A. sativum extract on the expression of the P. aeruginosa biofilm gene, pelF. The presence of the pelF gene in the isolates used for this study was confirmed via...

Author(s): Nathaniel Nyakaat Ninyio, Hadiza Bashir Gidado, Mariama O. Yahaya, Tayaza  B. Fadason, Raji A. Bamanga and Lucy M. Yaki

March 2017

In vitro evaluation of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional fermented Shamita and Kocho for their desirable characteristics as probiotics

The study was conducted to evaluate in vitro probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fermented Shamita and Kocho. Sixteen samples, 8 each of Shamita and Kocho, were collected from Arat-Kilo and Merkato sites in Addis Ababa, respectively. The average pH values of Shamita and Kocho samples were 3.52 and 3.44, respectively. A total of 140 LAB were isolated, of which 101 isolates (72%) were found to...

Author(s): Negasi Akalu, Fassil Assefa and Asnake Dessalegn 

March 2017

Differentiation of Urochloa brizantha cultivars by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers in seed samples

Approximately 80-90% of cultivated grassland areas in Brazil are covered by Urochloa brizantha [syn. Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf.]. Some genotypes of Urochloa have being widely used with a wrong nomenclature, like species and cultivars. In this way, the Urochloa cultivar identification is primordial for breeding programs and seed production. Considering the importance of genetic purity in...

Author(s): Inaê Braga, Claudia Jaqueline Tome Yamamoto, Ceci Castilho Custódio and Nelson Barbosa Machado-Neto