July 2021
Changes in some behavioral, hematological and biochemical indices of air-breathing Clarias gariepinus [BUCHELL, 1822] exposed to pharmaceutical effluent
This work aimed at evaluating the behavioral, biochemical and hematological effects of pharmaceutical effluent in laboratory population of Clarias gariepinus using a static renewal bioassay system. Fish specimens were collected and exposed to five (0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.12 mgL-1) sublethal concentrations of the effluent including a control experiment. Different dose dependent behavioral responses such as erratic...
July 2021
An efficient in-vitro regeneration system of Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) using apical meristems
Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important crop for food and nutrition security, incomes, and livelihood of people in developing countries. Its cultivation and productivity have been limited mainly due to a lack of quality planting materials. Therefore, this study developed an effective micropropagation method for two common taro varieties in Kenya (Purple Wild and Dasheen) using apical meristem derived from...
July 2021
Effect of light quality on in vitro germination, seedling growth and photosynthetic pigments production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Due to its economic importance, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has been the subject of most breeding studies, most of which having as a starting point the in vitro cultures required for initiating different cell and tissues cultures such as protoplasts, ovules and pollen cells. All these procedures are used to obtain new varieties or hybrids regarding the improvement of different qualities such as higher productivity,...
July 2021
Control of ginseng leaf black spot disease by endophytic fungi
Ginseng plants associated with a number of fungi, several of which are reported to protect it from pathogens, thus improving plant growth. This study aimed to screen Panax ginseng leaves for endophytic fungi and to assess these fungi for their efficacy to inhibit ginseng black spot disease caused by Alternaria panax. A total of 256 endophytic fungal isolates were obtained from P. ginseng leaves. Most of the fungal...
July 2021
Effect of intercropping aerobic rice with leafy vegetables on crop growth, yield and its economic efficiency
Aerobic rice production system provides a sustainable alternative to the traditional rice cultivation. To evaluate the agronomic and economic effect of intercropping aerobic rice with four leafy vegetables, field experiments were conducted at University of Agriculture Science Bangalore research station, India during 2017 and 2018. The experiments consisted of 9 treatments with 4 replications and, a Randomized Completely...