African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: November 2002; 1(1)

November 2002

Episodic bioavailability of environmental mercury: implications for biotechnological control of mercury pollution

  Perennial wildfires in Africa and other continents contribute an estimated 8 x 105 kg of mercury to the global atmosphere with a residence time of approximately one year. This phenomenon changes the flux of biologically available mercury in natural microbial communities where enzymatic actions, including mercuric reductase and organomercurial lyase activities, underpin the biogeochemical cycling of...

Author(s): O. A. Ogunseitan

November 2002

Swarming modulatory effects of some amino acids on Proteus strains from Lagos, Nigeria

  Swarming motility, a multicellular behaviour characterized by periodic concentric growth on solid media has severally been reported as a constraint in the clinical investigation of mixed-culture infections involving Proteus and as a requirement for virulence. While media are being formulated to restrain swarming in this organism, the roles played by amino acids in the biogenesis of swarming have not...

Author(s): Bamidele A. Iwalokun and  Babatunde O. Akinwumi

November 2002

Biological nitrogen fixation in Crotalaria species estimated using the 15N isotope dilution method

  A greenhouse experiment was conducted to measure nitrogen fixation in threeCrotalaria species : C. ochroleuca, C. perrottetii and C. retusa growing in Senegal by using 15N direct isotope dilution technique. Two non-fixing plants, Senna obtusifoliaand Senna occidentalis served as reference plants. The amount of nitrogen fixed two months after planting was...

Author(s): R.T. Samba, S.N. Sylla, M. Neyra, M. Gueye, B. Dreyfus and I. Ndoye

November 2002

Persistence of Rhizobium inoculants originating from Leucaena leucocephala fallowed plots in Southwest Nigeria

  Ten core soil samples were collected from experimental plots at IITA, SW Nigeria that were previously inoculated with Rhizobium strains (IRC1045 and IRC 1050) specific for Leucaena leucocephala at two depths; 0–15 cm and 15–30 cm. The control soil samples were collected at similar depths from an adjacent field with no previous history of legume cultivation.  Six weeks...

Author(s): O.A. Ojo  and O.E. Fagade