February 2015
The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus levels on dry matter production and root traits in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
To evaluate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus levels on root traits of cucumber plants, a factorial experiment was carried out based on a randomized completely design pot culture. Four phosphorus fertilization treatments, including 2, 5, 10 and 15 mg P kg-1 soil possessed phosphorus fertilization levels as the first factor. At the second factor arranged Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices of...
February 2015
Influence of initial glycerol concentration upon bacterial cells adaptability and biodegradation kinetics on a submerged aerated fixed bed reactor using Biocell® (PE05) packing
The present paper reports an experimental work of the influence of initial substrate concentration on the adaptability of bacterial cells and the biodegradation kinetics of the substrate in a submerged aerobic fixed-film reactor, by studying some physicochemical parameters. The bioreactor used in this study is gotten from the biological aerated filter (BAF), but the used filter media is made of plastic of a large size...
February 2015
Determination of mechanical characteristics and reaction to fire of “RÔNIER†(Borassus aethiopum Mart.) of Togo
The “rônier” or Borassus aethiopum Mart is a wood material which is used as an element for construction and public works in Togo. The goal of this study was to determine its mechanical characteristics and its reaction to fire which are the fundamental parameters of works dimensioning. The analyses and tests of B. aethiopum samples enabled to realize that the B. aethiopum possesses mechanical features...
February 2015
Is climate change human induced?
Climate is the most vital element of our planet and its liveability is key concern for every habitat. From Silent Spring till present, debate is on whether humankind has impact on nature. Since its establishment in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been playing pivotal role in raising public concerns on human-induced climate change through its various assessment reports. These reports follow...
February 2015
Ecotoxicological effects of discharge of Nigerian petroleum refinery oily sludge on biological sentinels
Ecotoxicological effects of the discharge of Nigerian petroleum refinery oily sludge on biological sentinels were examined. The ecotoxicological effects examined included acute toxicity tests on Nitrobacter sp., fresh water shrimp (Desmoscaris trispinosa) and brackish water shrimp (Palaemoneles africanus) from the aquatic environment. It also covered chronic toxicity tests on microbial nitrogen transformation activity...
February 2015
Indications of the changing nature of rainfall in Ethiopia: The example of the 1st decade of 21st century
Climate change was defined as a statistically significant variation in the mean state of climate. Accordingly, with regards to rainfall, a working hypothesis that reads as: there is a statistically significant change (increase/decrease) in the mean annual and seasonal rainfall values at weather stations was forwarded for testing. Eight years (2001-2008) annual and seasonal rainfall data of 17 weather stations from most...
February 2015
A comparative study of the defluoridation efficiency of synthetic dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) and lacunar hydroxyapatite (L-HAp): An application of synthetic solution and Koundoumawa field water
This paper deals with the comparison of defluoridation efficiency of two defluoridation agents by the use of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) and lacunar hydroxyapatite (L-Hap) as a fluoride sorbents. The DCPD and L-HAp are characterized by using XRD and FTIR techniques. Defluoridation of synthetic solution of sodium fluoride (NaF) and natural waters of Koudoumawa are studied. The fluoride removal capacity is as...
February 2015
Biodegradation of petroleum oil by fungi isolated from Treculia africana (Dec'ne) seeds in Nigeria
Petroleum crude oil biodegrading fungi were isolated from Treculia africana seeds in the presence and absence of petroleum fumes. An assessment of the relative ability of each fungus to biodegrade petroleum crude oil, kerosene, diesel, unspent engine oil, spent engine oil and extracted oil from T. africana seeds on minimal salt solution was investigated using changes in optical density read on a spectrophotometer and...
February 2015
Effectiveness of neem, cashew and mango trees in the uptake of heavy metals in mechanic village, Nigeria
The concentrations of heavy metals were determined from the soil of the mechanic village, in Abeokuta and a control farmland located at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB). The soil sample collected at the base of different species of tree showed that the heavy metals were below permissible levels (FAO/WHO and EC/CODEX standard) and show no significant difference in the range of mean. Absorption of...
February 2015
Physico-chemical characteristics of borehole water quality in Gassol Taraba State, Nigeria
Many people in Africa depend on water from borehole, but purity of the drinking water from this source remains questionable. In a bid to ascertain the health risk local people are exposed to, this study analyses the physico-chemical characteristics of borehole water in Gassol Local Government Area (LGA), Nigeria. For this purpose, water samples were collected from the 12 administrative wards in the LGA. Two samples were...