March 2013
Etiology, pathogenesis and future prospects for developing improved vaccines against bluetongue virus: A review
Bluetongue is a viral disease that primarily affects sheep, occasionally goats and deer and, very rarely, cattle. The disease is caused by an icosahedral, non-enveloped, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus within the Orbivirus genus of the family Reoviridae. It is non-contagious and is only transmitted by insect vectors. BTV serotypes are known to occur in Africa, Asia, South America, North America, Middle East, India,...
March 2013
Contamination of boreholes water by 76 pesticides molecules in the cotton zone of Kérou
Analysis campaign of underground water was done in 2010 on five boreholes water samples situated in agricultural cotton zone. The obtained results showed the presence of various active matters of at least 76 residues of pesticides, especially insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, with accumulated contents which could average 0.350 or 350 μg/L per borehole. Indeed, all the prospected boreholes were contaminated....
March 2013
Effects of poor sanitation on public health: Case of Yopougon town (Abidjan)
Effects of poor environmental hygiene on population health were studied in the precarious living quarters of Doukoure, the village of Niangon-adjame and the viable living quarters of millionaire’s in Yopougon town. This study included sanitation, water sources, as well as, population health. It appears that excreta management is from self-purification works (WC with septic tank) (60%), collective purification work...
March 2013
Oral acute toxicity study of selected botanical pesticide plants used by subsistence farmers around the Lake Victoria Basin
A survey carried out around the Lake Victoria region showed evidence that people around this region use plant extracts, parts and powders to protect stored food commodities from insect pests. The widely used plants were identified and selected for biosafety assessments namely: Ocimum gratissimum, Tithonia diversifolia, Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus globulus and Cupressus lusitanica. Wistar mice were acclimatized and...