African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1138

Table of Content: September 2014; 8(9)

September 2014

Removal of azo dye from water by adsorption using waste residue from alum manufacturing process

Adsorption techniques are widely used to remove certain groups of pollutants such as dyes which are not amenable to biodegradation and environmentally very problematic. Although commercial activated carbon is a preferred sorbent for color removal, its widespread use is restricted due to high cost. As such, alternative non-conventional sorbents should be investigated. It is well-known that natural materials, waste...

Author(s): Haimanot habte, Feleke Zewge and Mesfin Redi

September 2014

Arsenic pollution of surface and subsurface water in Onitsha, Nigeria

Study on arsenic pollution was conducted in Onitsha town in Anambra State, Nigeria to examine the pollution status of surface and subsurface water. Arsenic concentration in surface water within Onitsha metropolis ranged from 0.2001 mg/L (River Niger upstream) to 1.5883 mg/L (River Niger central drainage surface), while concentration in boreholes lies within the range of 0.0000 mg/L (22.2% of boreholes) and 1.2507 mg/L...

Author(s): A. C. C. Ezeabasili, O. L. Anike, B. U. Okoro and C. M. U-Dominic

September 2014

Sediment and nutrient lost by runoff from two watersheds, Digga district in Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

The study was conducted in two sub watersheds in the Upper Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia to determine the quantity, quality of sediment lost and its onsite costs in terms of crop yield. Two monitoring stations at the outlets were selected. Discharges were estimated and depth integrated daily runoff samples were collected during the rainy season in 2011. The sediment concentration and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)...

Author(s): Alemayehu Wudneh, Teklu Erkossa and Prhaba Devi

September 2014

Survival of enteric bacteria in source-separated human urine used as fertiliser: Effects of temperature and ammonia

To promote the use of eco-toilets is an alternative to the lack of sanitation and high cost of artificial fertilisers in developing countries. Human urine is the fraction of excreta containing most nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which are essential nutrients for plant growth. The major concern related to the use of the urine as fertiliser is the possible presence of enteric pathogens. The reduction in the numbers of...

Author(s): Joseph M. Makaya, Marius K. Somda, Aly Savadogo, Dayéri Dianou, Nicolas Barro and Alfred S. Traoré  

September 2014

Physico-chemical characteristics of surface and groundwater in Obajana and its environs in Kogi state, Central Nigeria

The present work was aimed at assessing the surface and groundwater quality of the area within and around Obajana using physico-chemical characteristics. Surface and groundwater samples were collected at the peak of dry season in March, 2013, from 24 locations within Obajana and its surrounding areas and were subjected to a comprehensive quality analysis. The following parameters were considered; pH, total dissolved...

Author(s): O. K. Musa, E. A. Kudamnya, A. O. Omali and T. I. Akuh

September 2014

Natural radioactivity and environmental risk assessment of Sokoto phosphate rock, Northwest Nigeria

Phosphate rock samples collected from the phosphate bearing formations of Sokoto State, Northwest Nigeria were assessed for their radiological contents by gamma spectrometric technique (sodium iodide (NaI (Tl) detector). The mean activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in all the studied samples were 720.1±4.2 Bqkg-1, 33.5±1.4 Bqkg-1, and 315.3±6.7 Bqkg-1 respectively. Contributions from...

Author(s): Kolo, M. T.