African Journal of
History and Culture

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Hist. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6672
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJHC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 199

Table of Content: February 2015; 7(2)

February 2015

Re-Africanizing the educational system of Ethiopia

This paper tries to show the evolutionary development of education in Ethiopia along with its historic dysfunctions on the prospect of social transformation. The historical backdrop that centered on traditional educational system, which was predominantly ecclesiastical, is also briefly outlined for the sake of coherent understanding of the link and the miss-link in the educational system of the country. Ethiopia had...

Author(s): Wuhibegezer Ferede and Gezae Haile

February 2015

Historiographical review of the current debate on Ethiopian land tenure system

During the period of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia (TGE), that took power following the downfall of the Socialist Derg Government, the issue of land tenancy has hotly debated among politicians. At the ratification of the 1995 Constitution, though the ruling party, EPDRF, made attempt to formally end this debatable agenda by formally enshrining state ownership in the 1995 constitution, the ruling party is not...

Author(s): Binayew Tamrat Getahun

February 2015

The humanity of the foetus: A Yoruba perspective

The question of when life begins in the foetus remains a serious philosophical debate which cuts across philosophies and philosophers of all intellectual traditions. Principally, the question has led to the evolution of different schools of thought in western bioethics discourse. However, in spite of the numerous responses generated in reaction to the personhood of the foetus, no particular answer has been accepted,...

Author(s): Olanrewaju Abdul SHITTA-BEY

February 2015

British colonial reform of indigenous medical practices amongst the Asante people of the Gold Coast, 1930-1960

This paper focuses on the influence of the colonial administration on indigenous medical practices amongst the Asante people of the Gold Coast. The extent of the influence caused the indigenous medical practitioners to form herbalist unions and associations among others. The British Colonial administration further introduced through some advanced native heads, the registration of indigenous healers. These, among other...

Author(s): Samuel Adu-Gyamfi

February 2015

Inter-ethnic relation among Awi and Gumuz, Northwestern Ethiopia since 1974: A shift from hostile to peaceful co-existence

Longstanding relationship (amicable and hostile) has existed between Awi andGumuz nationalities since Aksumite era. Their early relationship had been full of pain because of the fact that the successive highland kings had appointed Awi chiefs to run state affairs in Gumuz community, which left bad seed on the future relation between two generations.  As time went on, a shift from hostile to friendly relation marked...

Author(s): Alemayehu Erkihun Engida