African Journal of
History and Culture

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Hist. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6672
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJHC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 199

Table of Content: January-June 2024; 16(1)

January 2024

Peasantry and economic violence in Cameroon rural milieu: An ethnosociology of the Lomie subdivision in the second decade of the 21st century

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the peasant populations of Lomié, as well as rural populations in Cameroon and Africa more broadly, are experiencing a significant disruption in their connection with nature due to the economic impact of forestry and hunting capitalism entering African peasant communities. In the case of the studied villages in Lomié, it becomes evident that there is a...

Author(s): Salomon ESSAGA ETEME

February 2024

Bride wealth payment and girl child development challenges in Ghana: Recounting the narratives

Bride wealth payment is deeply rooted in most customary marriages in Ghana. This study examines how these entrenched practices undermine the development of the girl child, using the Bongo District in Ghana as a case study. Data were collected from 40 participants who were purposively selected in a case study design. Primary data were generated through interviews, and thematic data analysis was utilized. The study found...

Author(s): Akosewine Francis Akapini, Florence Naah Bamora and Flora Chirani

March 2024

Self-writing in postcolonial criticism: A survey of some fundamental problems (II)

This paper surveys a few fundamental problems that relate to postcolonial self-writing in the context of global capitalism. It advances the claim that self-writing in Anglophone Postcolonial Criticism discloses an obsessive, reductionist tenet when addressing the gaps in imperial ideology, especially with the existence of an engrafted, ubiquitous protectionism from the part of the postcolonial intellectual. This...

Author(s): M’bark Bouzzit

June 2024

Hanging by the fibre of a woven cultural thread: Religious body marks of the indigenous Ga Ethnic Group of Ghana

Body marking is one of the oldest traditions in indigenous ethnic groups and is viewed today as one of the simplest ways to associate an individual with a unique identity, whether for identification, beautification, or religious inclinations. However, in recent times, the practice of body marking has dwindled due to the advocacy for human rights and the condemnation of practices considered 'inhumane'. Body...

Author(s): Alice Korkor Ebeheakey