African Journal of
History and Culture

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Hist. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6672
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJHC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 199

Table of Content: July-December 2021; 13(2)

July 2021

The origin and disappearance of the Wambambali tradition and the succeeding Wagogo communities in Dodoma: Oral stories from elders

The current fast growth of the city of Dodoma in central Tanzania threatens cultural heritage materials scattered on the landscape. However, natural processes such as weathering and erosion also add to this threat. Earlier, we reported on the existence of two cultural traditions on this landscape, the Middle Stone Age artefacts and the much younger Wambambali tradition based on pottery, grinding stones and remains of...

Author(s): Kokeli Peter Ryano, Augustino Mwakipesile, Emanuel Temu, Ngw’inamila Kasongi, Edwin Ngowi, Rehema Kilonzo and Sadasivuni Krishna Rao

July 2021

Cultural astronomy in Uganda from the perspectives of the Acholi, Banyankole, Iteso and Lugbara

Cultural astronomy in Uganda has been explored a second time considering another set of four ethnic groups, giving a wide range of perspectives in the subject and setting a baseline for exploring cultural astronomy in other African countries. Qualitative data have been collected using interviews and questionnaire survey, conducted with mutual consent of the respondents. Both purposive sampling and snow-ball sampling of...

Author(s): Bosco Oruru, Harriet Najjemba, Caroline Joyce Atim, Ronald Nteziyaremye and Merciline Nayibinga

July 2021

Towards a Kenyan political theology: The importance of church history for contemporary public life

Christianity remains a substantive religion in the African continent. With various expressions such as missionary Christianity, indigenous Christianity, and Charismatic Christianity, it remains a critical force in African societies. Christian scholars in post-colonial Africa have engaged important themes in Christianity including the pertinence of African traditional religions, African identity and in the recent decade,...

Author(s): Kevin Muriithi Ndereba

October 2021

Modernism and the Change of African Gender Relations: Historical Discourses

Globally, cases of the so called gender inequality are on increase as social transformation towards modernity and liberal lives. This situation has seriously been contested and reported on matters related to land ownership, employment, education, gender-based violence, marriage lives, decision-making, power struggles, freedom of choice and so forth. Despite its existence, it has been evolving over time in terms of its...

Author(s): Jumanne Kassim Ngohengo