November 2014
Therapeutic flora in Holy Quran
Civilizations have a tendency to revolve around meaningful concepts of a theoretical nature which more than anything else gives them their distinctive character. Such concepts are to be found at the very beginning of a rising civilization or they may signalize, when they first make their appearance, an entirely new departure towards the eventual transformation of the environment generous to them. This signifies a...
November 2014
An assessment of impact of neglect of history on political stability in African countries: The case of Cote d’Ivoire
African countries had been engulfed in political crises soon after they regained independence from their respective European colonial masters. Almost all the conflicts witnessed in post-independence Africa were blamed on the former colonial Powers. This article argued that rather than blaming the West for political instability, African political leaders should be blamed for neglecting the discipline of history that...
November 2014
Education nexus politics in Agame Awraja during the imperial regime
During the imperial regime of Emperor Haileslasie, there were only three secondary schools in Tigray Province. These were Atse Yohannis of Enderta, Nigiste Saba of Adwa and Agazi of Agame Awrajas. These secondary schools were centers of dissent. Linguistic oppression, maladministration and lack of adequate social institutions created very strong dissatisfaction among the people of Tigray Province. As what was happening...
November 2014
The Role of women in Tebhaga movement in Jalpaiguri District and to preserve their identity
The roots of the Indian women’s movement go back to the 19th century male social reformers who took up issues concerning women and started women’s organizations. Women started forming their own organization from the end of the nineteenth century first at the local and then at the national level. In 1946, the two main issues they took up were political rights and reform of personal laws. Women’s...