Full Length Research Paper
With the spread of the Coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) affecting all spheres of human endeavors, even households have not been spared. However, impact of the pandemic on households in Nigeria is unclear which necessitated this study which was aimed at assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigerian households Awka South, Anambra State. An online survey with a descriptive cross-sectional design was used to elicit response from 422 Awka South, Anambra State. Statistical test used was Chi-square at 0.05 level of significance. While more than half (62.8%) of the respondents had a family income that was above N100, 000 before the pandemic, however, less than half (48.8%) of the study population still had the same family income with the onset of the pandemic. Majority (88.2%) of the respondents did not receive any cash palliative. A significant difference was found between family income before and during the pandemic (p=0.000) and between number of feeding times before and during the COVID’19 pandemic (p=0.000). The COVID-19 pandemic has affected families in significant terms while stimulus packages were not received by majority. Concerted efforts must be put in place by the government to ensure that stimulus packages are effectively distributed to every nook and cranny in a bid to mitigate the effect of the pandemic on households.
Key words: COVID-19, pandemic, impact, households, socio-economic sustainability.
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