Full Length Research Paper
Objective; To determine the root curvature in the maxillary first permanent molars. Methodology; A total of 187 maxillary molars were collected from male and female patients aged between10 and 40 years. The teeth were orientated in their anatomical positions on a calibrated graph paper and the root curvature determined with reference to the long axis of root from the bifurcation. Results; Majority of the mesiobuccally roots (63.6%) were curved and of the curved, 95% curved distally. In the distobuccally root, 49.7% of the roots were curved and majority (77.4%) curved mesial. Majority of the palatal roots were straight (65.3%). Of the curved palatal roots, 92.5% curved in a buccal direction. The gen-der variations in root curvature in maxillary first permanent molars was not statistically significant. Conclusion; Palatal root in maxillary first permanent molars had the lowest frequency of curved roots.
Key words; roots, curvature, maxillary, molars
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