African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 815

Table of Content: April 2009; 3(4)

April 2009

Evaluation of some hybrid rice varieties in under different sowing times

  A field experiment was conducted in the experimental farm of Rice Research and Training Center (RRTC) – Sakha, Kafr- El Sheikh Governorate, and Egypt during rice season in 2008 for physiological evaluation of some hybrid rice varieties in different sowing dates. Four hybrid rice H1, H2, GZ 6522 and GZ 6903 were used. Seeds were sown on six different sowing dates April 10th, April 20th, May 1st, May...

Author(s): Ali Abdalla Basyouni Abou-Khalif

April 2009

Stomatal features and humidification potentials of Borassus aethiopum, Oreodoxa regia and Cocos nucifera

  The atmosphere contains water vapors which humidifies it and later condenses in order to form cloud and subsequently rainfall. The falling of rain is an inevitably necessary thing for plants and animals, which in turn release water back to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration. Larger portion of water is obtained in the atmosphere through plant transpiration. Transpiration rate is relatively regulated by...

Author(s): A. A. Abdulrahaman and F. A. Oladele

April 2009

Investigation of morphophysiological variation in field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) populations of Karaj, Varamin, and Damavand in Iran

  Diversity in field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) populations collected from Karaj, Varamin, and Damavad during 2006 (for seed collection) to 2007 (for seed germination and plant growth in green-house) at the Weed Research Department, Iranian Plant Protection Research Institute for identification of morphophysiological variation using multivariate analysis methods. The most important variables were...

Author(s): A. Mehrafarin, F. Meighani, M. A. Baghestani, M. J. Mirhadi and M. R. Labbafi

April 2009

Application of soil conditioners and man-made erosion control materials to reduce erosion risk on sloping lands

  The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil conditioners and man-made erosion control materials on stabilization of sloping hills using rainfall simulator and small flume facilities. Treatments were man-made erosion control materials (from polypropylene fabric) and soil conditioners (gypsum and PAM), these treatments were evaluated on a soil sample with a clay texture taken from a hill...

Author(s): A. Akbarzadeh, R. Taghizadeh Mehrjardi, H.G. Refahi, H. Rouhipour and M. Gorji

April 2009

Trade offs in grain and leaf yield of cowpea based on timing of leaf harvest

  The critical period for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walpers) leaf harvesting on grain yield of black eyed bean (BEB) cowpea type was determined by timing termination and commencement of leaf harvesting during 2005-2007 rain seasons. Two leaves were harvested from each plant per treatment up to pod formation as compared to no leaf harvesting. The times at which leaf harvesting began and ended had...

Author(s): Matikiti A., Chikwambi Z., Nyakanda C. and Mashingaidze A. B.