African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007

AJPS Articles in press

Correlation and path analysis of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes

Article in Press

The genetic relationships among traits are critical for exploring the connections and the relative influence of various characteristics on crop enhancement. Peanut genotypes were assessed during the 2022/23 cropping season. The experiment was carried out in a simple lattice design with two replications. This study aimed to identified traits interrelationship and their effects. Findings showed that the genotypic...

Author(s):Abera Seboka Yami, Wosene Gebreselassie Abtew, Essubalew Getachew Seyum

Importance, epidemiology and management of faba bean chocolate spot and bean gall in Ethiopia: A review

Article in Press

Plant diseases pose significant threats to human welfare by impairing plants and their products, vital for sustenance, clothing, and environmental stability. Ethiopia's faba bean production suffers from various diseases, notably chocolate spot and the emerging faba bean gall disease, causing substantial yield losses. Literature reviews on these diseases emphasize their importance, epidemiology, and management strategies....

Author(s):Dinku Atnafu Anega

Association and Path Coefficient Analysis Studies in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Genotypes at Adet, Northwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The field experiment was conducted at Adet, Northwestern Ethiopia with the aim of estimating the correlation and identifying both the direct and indirect effect of yield contributing traits on potato crop. Thirty six (36) potato genotypes were evaluated in simple lattice design in two replications. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant (p < 0.001) difference among potato genotypes for all traits except for...

Author(s):Awoke Ali Zeleke, Tiegist Dejene Abebe, Baye Berihun Getahun

Water Production Function (WPF) for two cabbage varieties grown under a drip irrigation system using varied water application levels

Article in Press

Cabbage production and productivity in Ghana is limited due to poor water availability. K-K Cross and Oxylus which are the most widely used cabbage cultivars and more available in Ghana were used as test crops and grown with a small-scale drip irrigation system in a coastal savannah habitat. The study's primary objective was to create a water production model for the two cabbage varieties grown at varied water application...

Author(s):Isaac Larteh Tawiaha, Ivy Mamle Nyamedi

Estimating the PCV, GCV, heritability, GAM and association coefficients among improved tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] genotypes assessed in Awi zone, Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

Evaluating variability is vital to identify the best substantial traits in tef enhancement. Objectives of the study were: to assess the extent of genetic variability, estimate the phenotypic and genotypic variances and association coefficients for yield and yield attributed traits among the genotypes. Forty-nine tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] genotypes were evaluated in Awi zone at Ayehu Guagussa District (3tu Segno...

Author(s):Yaregal Damtie, Taye Haile, Birtukan Demeke, Yeshiwas Sendekie and Habtie Jifar

Agronomic analysis of the effect of sawdust texture on the budding of yam minisetts Dioscorea rotundata

Article in Press

In order to determine the physical characteristics of the best substrate for germinating Dioscorea rotundata minisetts, a multifactorial trial was carried out on three sawdusts in a randomized complete block design with four replicates for 1440 minisetts, 480 for each of the proximal, distal and medial parts. Two criteria were used to characterize the three sawdusts: particle number and water retention capacity. The...

Author(s):Amougou Mbatsogo Constant Felix, Baniem Marius, Ambang Zachée, Nso gang Andre, and Kaldjob Mbeh Christian Bernard

Molecular characterization of blast resistance and pathogenesis-related genes in various rice accessions for suitable rice blast management in Sub-Saharan Africa

Article in Press

Rice blast disease, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae, threatens global food security. In order to identify efficient rice breeding materiel, pathogenicity tests followed by PCR and sequence analysis were performed on twelve rice accessions using ten blast isolates and molecular markers linked to five major blast resistance (R) genes/loci (Pi2/Pi9/Piz/Pizt, Pi5 (t)/Pii/Pi3, Pik/Pikp/Piks/Pikm, Pia and Pita) and to their...

Author(s):Murielle FANTODJI, Bonaventure Cohovi AHOHUENDO, Drissa SILUE and Andreas von TIEDEMANN

Adaptability study on released food barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) varieties in Somali Region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) is the fifth major cereal crop in Ethiopia, providing both food and feed. However, its productivity is still very low, despite efforts to develop improved production technologies. This is mainly due to the low yield potential of the farmers' varieties, the influence of various biotic and abiotic stresses, and the limited access to improved barley varieties due to the lack of recommended...

Author(s):Yohannes Seyoum Eshetu, Tesfu Mengistu Woldemichael and Zelalem Fisseha Gebreegziabher

Status and integrated management of white mango scale (Aulacaspis tubercularis) on mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Ethiopia: A review

Article in Press

Mango is attacked by many insect pests which reduce the quality and productivity of the crop. Among the insect pests attacking mango plant, white mango scale is the most devastating insect pest. It is a new insect pest and a major problem of mango production in Ethiopia. In a short period of time, the insect invaded nearly all of Ethiopia's mango-growing regions, and the country was placed on the list of countries...

Author(s):Zemed Wobale Birhanie

Genetic Variability of Maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrids for Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Semi-Arid Areas of Ethiopia

Article in Press

Maize is an important food security crop in central rift valley of Ethiopia. Applying excess Nitrogen fertilizer in maize production entails costs to smallholder farmers and results in nitrous oxide emission to the atmosphere exacerbating the problem of climate change. Screening nitrogen use efficient hybrids enables resource poor farmers to reduce cost of production, maintain environmental pollution and enhance crop...

Author(s):Jemal Bekere and Wassu Mohammed

Survey and Identification of Weed Flora from Major Crops at Borana and West Guji Zones, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The assessment of weed flora was conducted at two zones of southern Oromia in the 2020-2022 production years. From each zone the districts were purposely selected based on the of crops cultivated. Identification of the major crop weeds that cause production losses is essential for collecting information about the weeds as well as for developing the necessary management measures. On the other hand, wrong identification of...

Author(s):Kemal Kitaba, Rameto Nura, Ejigu Ejara & Dejene Legesse

Intercropping Soybean (Glycine max L.) with Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in East Hararghe, Oromia

Article in Press

Sorghum and Soybean are staple food and feed crops in Ethiopia. One of the strategies that boosts production and productivity of both commodities is intensification. Field experiments were done in 2018 and 2019 at eastern Ethiopia to determine the effect of intercropping sorghum with soybean on grain yield. Seed yields were higher in the sole crops of sorghum and soybean than in the individual components of the intercrops....

Author(s):Habte Berhan, Fiqadu Tadese and Motuma Dalasa

Assessment of Major Crops Diseases in Borana and West Guji Zones, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The disease assessment was conducted in two zones of southern Oromia, West Guji and Borana zones in 2020-2022 cropping rainy seasons. The assessment was done in two districts of each zone and totally four districts were assessed. The districts were selected purposively based on potential of crop they produce. The assessment was done at five points in each field and for the assessment 1m2 quadrat was used to record a data....

Author(s):Kemal Kitaba, Rameto Nura, Ejigu Ejara and Dejene Temesgen

Impacts of Diseases and pests on Forage crop Production and management systems: A Review

Article in Press

A forage crop diseases and pests incidences identification and management system is precondition for the viewpoint of ecological and environmental protection to address the issues of numerous types of forage crop disease and pests-control, and management easy identification. The incidence of diseases and pests reduces the productivity of forage crops causing significant financial losses, and decrease feed production. This...

Author(s):Melkam Aleme and Gezahegn Mengistu

Differentiation and Heritability of selected Ethiopian Core Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] Germplasm population using morphological traits

Article in Press

Tef is the most important crop among cereals in Ethiopia. Information on the natural genetic variation of the crop would be useful for the genetic improvement. Hence, the current study was designed to determine the genetic variability and heritability of selected tef core germplasm using morphological traits in a population collected from different origins in Ethiopia. A total of nine populations were field evaluated for...

Author(s):Derejaw Tesfa Adugna

Sulphur Fertilizer Influenced Yield and Quality Attributes of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties

Article in Press

Wheat production and its importance in Arsi Zone and Ethiopian has much contribution to the market and consumption, but its productivity is still very low due to poor agronomic practices and diminishing soil fertility. Thus, field study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effect of sulphur fertilizer on growth, yield and quality attributes of bread wheat varieties. The experiment consisted of six levels of...

Author(s):Mitiku Alemu, Diriba-Shiferaw G. and Lamessa Gemeda

Impact of transhumance on the populations of Afzelia africana and the wildlife in the National Park of Benoue North-Cameroon

Article in Press

Breeding is a very important activity to the population of the North-Cameroon region. In dry season when fodder is scarce or non-existent, breeders use leaves of Afzelia africana. Afzelia africana is a threatened woody species that is becoming rare in the northern Cameroon due to its over-exploitation in the non-protected natural areas. This situation originated from the invasion of transhumant shepherds in the Benoue...

Author(s):Constantin Alega Amougou, Tchobsala, Clautilde Megeuni, Gilbert Haiwa, Il-Mataï Baïyabe, Brice Nkontcheu Kenko, Georges Maxime Lamy Lamy, Awo Miranda Egbe


Article in Press

Onion is commonly established in the field either by direct sowing, or by transplanting seedlings from seedbed or from sets depending on the growing conditions of the specific region and grower interests. However, the optimum transplanting age in onion growing areas and Ethiopia is not well established. A field experiment was conducted at Alawuha kebele of North Wollo zone to optimize seedling age of onion varieties in...

Author(s):Biruk Masrie Zewdie, Worku Desale Yimer

Occurrence of Aflatoxins in Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.): A Case Study of Four Counties in Kenya

Article in Press

Aflatoxins are highly toxic compounds produced mainly by Aspergillus section Flavi on a wide range of food commodities, including groundnuts. Infestation occurs during both the pre-harvest and post-harvest stages of crop production, which has affected the quality and safety of groundnuts and groundnut-based products. The objective of this study was to determine total aflatoxin concentration in groundnut samples collected...

Author(s):Philip Sitienei, Paul Kimurto, Isabel Wagara, and Meshack Obonyo

Protocol Development for In vitro Propagation of Enset [Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman] Clones Using Shoot Culture

Article in Press

Ensete ventricosum is a species in the Musaceae family. Through conventional propagation, it is impossible to satisfy the sucker requirement. Hence, this research was initiated to develop a protocol for in vitro propagation of enset clones. For initiation, MS medium with different levels of BAP were used. Days of initiation and initiation percentage was recorded. For multiplication, combination of BAP and NAA in different...

Author(s):Amanuel W. Mechal and Temesgen Matios

Antagonistic potential of Trichoderma harzianum against F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici isolates causing Fusarium wilt disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Article in Press

Antagonistic effect of T. harzianum was carried out on F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici isolates from UC 82B variety of tomato in a screen house located at the Teaching and Research Farm, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Nigeria during 2015 cropping season to determine their antagonistic effect on the isolates. F. oxysporum isolates tested were coded as: FoAs1, FoAs2, FoAg, FoNb, FoSb, FoAm, FoAk, FoOr, FoAd and...

Author(s):Habib Kayode ABDULKADIR, Ebenezer Jonathan EKEFAN, Victor Iorungwa GWA

Morpho-physiological response of three varieties of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp to NaCl stress

Article in Press

Morpho-physiological response of three Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) cv (IT96-610, IT99K-573-1-1 and IT81-994) subjected to sodium chloride (NaCl) stress at concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 mM was investigated, for the purpose of better understanding of salt tolerance of the crop. The study was conducted under controlled conditions and set out in completely randomized design (CRD) with six replications. Morphological and...

Author(s):Ezekiel Dare Olowolaju and Adekunle Ajayi Adelusi


Article in Press

Landraces tomato has taste, smell and aroma properties making it one of most appreciated food product among other species good. Local varieties are always valuable in breeding. One of their negative features is that they are not resistant to disease and preservation. In this study, the characteristics of local tomato varieties will be determined and the breeding material defined for future breeding studies will be...


Morpho-physiological response of three varieties of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp to NaCl stress

Article in Press

Morpho-physiologicalresponse of three Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) varieties (IT96-610, IT99K-573-1-1 and IT81-994) subjected to sodium chloride (NaCl) stress at concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 mM was investigated, for the purpose of better understanding of salt tolerance of the crop. The study was conducted under control conditions and set out in completely randomized design (CRD) with six replications.Morphological...

Author(s):Tesfa Binalfew, Flagote Alemu, Jibicho Geleto and Melkamu Hinsermu, Yosef Alemu, Gebeyehu Wendimu, Shimels Aklilu, Selamawit Ketema


Article in Press

Practices that minimize herbicide applications have been in order to avoid the risk of residual effects on the soil. Cover crops are being used to suppress and decrease the weed community's seed bank in the soil. This study aimed to evaluate the phytosociology and foliar contents of weeds and cover species and corn crop yield in an area with five primary soil tillage systems in the plot: P1 – harrow; P2 – disc plow; P3 –...

Author(s):Yara Karine de Lima Silva¹ and Alberto Carvalho Filho²

Response of Different Sulfur Levels on Growth, Yield and Quality of Three Onion (Allium cepa L.) Varieties

Article in Press

A field experiment was conducted during 2018 cropping season to evaluate the response of sulfur level and variety on yield, yield component and quality of onion at Shewa Robit, North Shewa, Ethiopia. The experiment consisted of three onion varieties (Bombay Red, Red coach F1 and Red king F1) with five sulfur (S) level (0, 7, 25, 43 and 61kg S /ha). The treatments were laid out in a factorial arrangement with three...

Author(s):Kebebush Goshu , Wondwosen Tena Asmare Melese

Performance of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Variety “Ado” in Ethiopia

Article in Press

Sesame is a source of oil, food, feed and a cash crop. There is a great potential, in Ethiopia, to exploit sesame production, however mean seed yield is very low due to the lack of any high yielding varieties. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the performance of eleven sesame genotypes including a control (“Tate”) were tested over three seasons (2013/14, 2014/2015and 2015/16) at three sesame growing...

Author(s):Mohammed Hassen and Daniel Endale

Yield responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties to rates of NPSB blended fertilizer and inoculants in Meskan, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Ethiopia is the principal chickpea producer in Africa. Chickpea is widely cultivated in highlands and semi-arid area; however, productivity of chickpea remains low; due to poor crop management, and lack of improved varieties; iInformation on the use of rhizobium strain and NPSB fertilizer rate is the major yield limiting factors of chickpea production on Vertisol in Meskan. Hence, field experiment was executed in 2018; to...

Author(s):Mohammed Hamid, Mohammed Hassen, Asnake Fikre and Amsalu Nebiyu

Genetic Analysis of Grain Yield and Yield Related Traits of Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred lines Adapted to Mid-altitude Agroecology of Ethiopia

Article in Press

To establish effective breeding techniques for the creation of nutritionally enhanced maize cultivars, reasonable information of the extent of genetic diversity, heritability, genetic advance, correlation analyses, and interrelationships of yield and yield related variables is essential. As a result, the goal of this study was to determine the nature and magnitude of genetic variability, heritability, Correlation Analysis,...

Author(s):Lemi Yadesa, Beyene Abebe and Zelalem Tafa

Effect of Flower Bud on Tuber Yield and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties in Horo District, Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

The experiment was conducted in Horo district of Western Ethiopia. Five -by-two factorial experiment arranged in a randomized complete block design was the method used. The purpose of the experiment was to compare the varietal differences and to evaluate the effects of flower bud removal on tuber yield and quality in Irish potato varieties. Pruning treatments viz. normal growings were applied to five potato cultivars,...

Author(s):Desalegn Negasa Soresa

Combining ability and single cross performances of tropical highland maize inbred lines under optimum and low nitrogen environments

Article in Press

Understanding the genetic basis of hybrid performance under different conditions is crucial to design appropriate breeding strategy in variety development. The present study examined the performances of single crosses and the GCA and SCA effects of highland maize inbred lines for grain yield and yield related traits under optimum and low-nitrogen conditions. Eleven inbred lines were crossed using half-diallel mating...

Author(s):Dufera Tulu, Demissew Abakemal, Zeleke Keimeso, Tefera Kumsa, Demewoz Negera, Abiy Balcha and Shimelis Tesfaye

Assessing Production Constraints, Management and Use of Pearl Millet in the Guinea Savanna Agro-ecology of Ghana

Article in Press

The adoption of new and high yielding pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) varieties can be boosted if they correspond to farmers’ preferences and answer the constraints prevailing in the production environments. Therefore, the focus of this study was to assess production constraints, farmers’ preferences and choices of varieties among pearl millet cultivating farmers using participatory rural appraisal (PRA) in...

Author(s):Peter Anabire Asungre, Richard Akromah, Alexander Wiredo Kena, Prakash Gangashetty

Occurrence of Maize Yellow Mosaic Virus and Evidence of Co-infection with Maize Lethal Necrosis Viruses in Bomet County, Kenya

Article in Press

Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) disease is caused by synergistic interaction between Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) and Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV). However, some East African countries have detected maize infecting Polerovirus named Maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) also known as Maize yellow dwarf virus (MYDV-RMV) co-infecting maize with MLN viruses. Maize yellow dwarf virus occurrence and distribution in different...

Author(s):Chepkorir Tanui, Sylvester Anami, Jane Wamaitha, and Bramwel Waswa Wanjala

Distribution and farmers’ knowledge on Fusarium wilt (Race 1) in cropping systems of Uganda

Article in Press

The study aimed at understanding the spatial distribution of Fusarium wilt (FW) in different banana growing regions, ascertain the effect of management practices and plantation age on FW incidence, as well as investigate farmers’ knowledge regarding the symptoms and spread of FW in Uganda. Individual interviews were conducted in 119 farms using a pre-tested questionnaire and field observations during a survey in major...

Author(s):Elias Oyesigye, William Tinzara, Georgina Karamura, and Wacal Cosmas

The effect of mineral phosphorus fertilization on maize (Zea mays L.) shoot and root biomass at different growth stage

Article in Press

A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted from mid-June to early August, 2020 at China Agricultural University to quantify the effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer (0, 200 and 400 mg kg-1) on maize shoot and root biomass. Samples were taken twice (30 and 55 days after sowing (DAS). It was shown that, the shoot and root dry biomass were more influenced at 55DAS than at 30DAS. The shoot biomass at 30DAS was...

Author(s):Bilisuma Kabeto and Xiaoqiang Jiao

Evaluation and genetic analysis of common bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Dibatie and Mandura, Northwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Assessing and understanding the variations existing in crops due to genetic composition and environmental variability is very important for exploiting the genetic constitution of crop plants using variability measures such as phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), heritability and genetic advance are a major concern for common bean to identify important traits in common...

Author(s):Gezahegn Tefera

Genotypic variability, heritability and path analysis of yield components of determinate lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) inbred lines genotypes in Kenya

Article in Press

Lablab is a leguminous crop that offers great potential as food and cash crop in Kenya. However, high yielding early maturing determinate varieties suitable for short season environments and for intercropping systems are lacking. This study was conducted to estimate heritability, genetic advance and correlation between grain yields and yield attributing traits of advanced inbred determinate lines. Thirty nine lablab F5...

Author(s):Eliezah M. Kamau, Miriam G. Kinyua, Charles N. Waturu and David R. Karanja

Anti-fungal Activities of Plant Extracts and Dress Force (Triazoles) on Pythium aphanidermatum using three Cultivars of Okra in Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Farmers suffer a great set back caused by soil-borne pathogens. These pathogens result in pre and post damping-off diseases. Plant extracts exhibit various degrees of anti-fungal growth inhibition, are socioeconomically friendly and can be tapped from the community; while synthetic fungicides are the first line of defence though they disturb the ecological balance of microorganisms. Acacia nilotica (pod and root),...

Author(s):Anjili S. M., Channya F. K., Chimbekujwo I. B. and Asama P

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index as Screening Trait to Complement Visual Selections of Durum Wheat Drought Tolerant Genotypes

Article in Press

Normalized Difference vegetation index (NDVI) is considered as potential screening tool detecting stay green traits for drought tolerance. The objective of the present study aimed to evaluate durum wheat genotypes using NDVI under drought condition and investigate its association to grain yield. NDVI scores taken at different growth stages for 64 durum wheat genotypes replicated twice in both sandy clay and clay textured...

Author(s):Alemayehu Zemede Lemma, Firew Mekbib Hailemariam, Kebebew Assefa Abebe and Zewdie Bishaw

Correlation and Combining Ability of Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines Managed Under Sole Cropping and Maize Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Intercropping System in a Mid altitude Agro-ecology of Ethiopia

Article in Press

The correlation and combining ability of sole maize and maize-haricot bean intercropping were investigated through field experiments conducted at Bako and Hawasa in a Mid altitude Agro-ecology of Ethiopia to estimate combining ability of the inbred lines under sole maize and maize-haricot bean intercrop and to assess the correlation between traits under the two cropping systems. The results showed that general combining...

Author(s):Beyene Abebe, Berhanu Tadesse, Tolera Keno and Temesgen Chibsa

Influences of Phosphorus and Sulfur Fertilizers Application under Different Irrigation Regimes on Phenology and Growth of Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Article in Press

Snap bean is a leading exportable vegetable crop in Ethiopia. However, its phenology and growth parameters are very low and poor due to inadequate moisture and poor soil fertility. Therefore; field experiment was conducted at MARC during the dry season in 2017 and 2018 to evaluate the effect phosphorus and sulfur) fertilizers under different irrigation regimes on phenology and growth of snap bean. The experiment was laid...

Author(s):Melkamu Hinsermu, Walelign Worku and Edossa Etissa

Meta-analysis of the effects of Rhizobia inoculants and phosphorus fertilizer on soybean nodulation in Africa

Article in Press

Soybean has the potential to bring significant benefits in diversified cropping systems, which could help restructuring soil fertility and allow smallholders to increase grain yield. Rhizobium inoculation improves the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in legume crops and assists resource-poor farmers to increase grain yield at lower financial costs. The efficacy of symbiotic bacteria on legumes can also be improved...

Author(s):Jasper KANOMANYANGA, Xiaoqiang JIAO, Shingirai MUDARE, Stanford MABASA

Participatory Variety Evaluation of Improved Maize Varieties in Dera District of North Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

Maize (Zea mays L.) is the world leading crop and in 2018, total world production was 1.15 billion tones. Participatory variety selection (PVS) was initiated to facilitate identification of farmers’ ideal plant varieties, as well as enhancing adoption of elite varieties. In Ethiopia, various research activities were conducted on maize through participatory variety selection. However, those varieties are not tested in the...

Author(s):Atsedemariyam Tewachew

Determination of critical weed competition period in roselle plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) at Arba Minch in Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field experiment using a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted during the 2017 cropping year to determine (i) the critical periods of crop-weed competitions in roselle production and (ii) effects of weed competition periods on roselle growth and yield performance. The experiment consisted of 14 treatments in two series, including increasing duration of weedy periods (IDWP) and increasing...

Author(s):Getachew Gudero Mengesha, Ano Wariyo Negaso , Negasu Guteta Bayisa

Agronomic performance of cassava cultivars subjected to pruning at various population densities and harvest timings

Article in Press

Optimizing population density and harvest timing in cassava can improve agronomic efficiency, productivity and quality of industrialization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of plant population density and harvest timing on yield of two cassava cultivars with different canopy architectures (IAC 13 and Branca de Santa Catarina), each planted at four population densities, from 7,000 to 31,000 plants...

Author(s):Luiz Henrique Campos De Almeida, Eli Carlos Oliveira, Jaimie West, Maria de Fatima Guimaraes, Teresa Losada Valle

Leguminous Plants (Beans and Peanuts) and Abelmoschus Esculentus (Okra) Intercropped to Determine Okra Growth and Yield Performance

Article in Press

Plant nutrients are essential for adequate nutrition and high yield of a crop. Unfortunately in Liberia, there is a very large amount of rainfall; due to this condition, most natural soils are depleted and lack the ability to supply essential plant nutrients to improve crop performance. To improve on this, a study was conducted to investigate the influence of legumes (beans and peanuts) intercropped with okra to determine...


Effect of Foliar Application time and rates of exogenous salicylic acid on growth and grain yield performances of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor L. Moench]

Article in Press

The experiment was set in a factorial combination of two sorghum varieties, four rates of salicylic acid (SA) and three application times. The severity of stem borer and stem lodging percentage were significantly reduced following foliar application of 0.5 or 1mM salicylic acid (SA) than the controls (distilled water). Application of 0.5mM SA after 30 days of planting resulted in 15% more grain yield than the control for...

Author(s):Mesfin Bekele, Temesgen Teressa, Bekele Abebie, Birhanu Amsalu

Evaluation of improved cotton varieties for agronomic and fiber quality traits under irrigated conditions of Sille and Weyto area of Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field study was carried out to evaluate agronomic performances and fiber qualities of improved cotton varieties under irrigated condition of Sille and Weyto cotton producing area. The experimental design used was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The combined analysis of variance revealed highly significant (p≤0.01) difference among the varieties for all the traits viz. plant height, boll number...

Author(s):Donis Gurmessa, Samuel Damtew, Merdasa Balcha, Arkebe Gebregziabher, Bedane Gudeta, Alehegn Workie and Mekashaw Arega

Genetic Diversity in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Germplasms from Drought-prone Areas of Ethiopia Based on Qualitative Morphological Traits

Article in Press

The development of high yielding and stable varieties for the drought prone area requires a continuous supply of new germplasm as a source of desirable genes. However, in Ethiopia the extent of genetic diversity among sorghum germplasms has not been systematically quantified. A total of 275 sorghum accessions collected from the major drought prone areas of Ethiopia were evaluated for genetic diversity at two representative...

Author(s):Dagnachew Bekele

The Control of Diparopsis castanea with Cartap hydrochloride 50SP in Zimbabwean cotton

Article in Press

In Zimbabwe bollworms are the most destructive pests of cotton, capable of causing yield losses of up to 60%. Evaluation of new insecticides to complement those already on the market is an important part of bollworms control strategy. Trials were conducted at Cotton Research Institute (Kadoma), Kuwirirana (Gokwe) and Umguza (Matebeleland North) to evaluate the efficacy of Cartap hydrochloride 50SP on the control of red...

Author(s):Jimu Francis Mapuranga R., Mubvekeri W., and Kutywayo D

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