African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 810

Table of Content: January 2011; 5(1)

January 2011

Grain legume impacts on soil biological processes in sub-Saharan Africa

Grain legumes occupy about 20 million hectares in Africa. The major crops are cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), which is grown on about 11 million hectares mostly in West Africa, and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), grown on about 5 million hectares mostly in eastern and southern Africa. These grain legumes have impacted soil organisms, including nitrogen fixers, mycorrhizae, fauna, and the processes that...

Author(s): Newton Z. Lupwayi, Ann C. Kennedy and Rowland M. Chirwa

January 2011

Physiological disorders of Brassicas /Cole crops found in Swaziland: A review

Physiological disorders of Brassicas/Cole crops are abnormalities in leaf and stem morphology, colour, or both which are not caused by infectious diseases or insects. The abnormalities occur as a result of environmental stress, nutritional deficiencies or excesses on the plant. Reported causes of physiological disorders include genetic, environmental factors, nutrition, and cultural practices such as irrigation...

Author(s): M. T. Masarirambi, T. O. Oseni, V. D. Shongwe and N. Mhazo

January 2011

Ethnobotanical survey of some Cameroonian plants used for treatment of viral diseases

In this study, five species (Enantia cholorantha Oliv., Pteleopsis hylodendron Mildbr.and Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv., Costus afer Ker-Gawler and Mormodica charantia L.) belonging to five families were used for treatment of viral diseases including chicken pox, measles, influenza, shingles and viral hepatitis. The ethnobotanical survey of plant medicine was conducted in the Centre...

Author(s): Ngono Ngane R. A., Koanga Mogtomo M. L., Tchinda Tiabou A., Magnifouet Nana H., Motso Chieffo P. R., Mballa Bounou Z., Ebelle Etame R. M., Ndifor F., Biyiti L. and Amvam Zollo P. H.

January 2011

Studies on cellulose degrading bacteria in tea garden soils

Cellulose degrading bacteria of tea garden soil were isolated, screened in vitro and its characterization, in relation to cellulase activity, was studied. Among the 25 isolates, the five strains showed higher enzyme activity when compared to other strains. Cellulase activity was expressed at a higher level by strain CDB 12 when blotting paper was used as a cellulose source in comparison with the other two...

Author(s): A. Balamurugan, R. Jayanthi, P. Nepolean, R. Vidhya Pallavi and R. Premkumar

January 2011

Indigenous plants in Uganda as potential sources of textile dyes

Natural dyes derived from plant-based materials have proved to be important alternatives to the use of synthetic dyes in the textile industry. A large plant resource base for natural dyes exists in Uganda but remains in the wild and largely unexploited. Forty (40) plant species with potential to produce natural dye compounds for textile applications belonging to twenty two (22) families were identified in this...

Author(s): P. A. G. Wanyama, , B. T. Kiremire, P. Ogwok and J. S. Murumu

January 2011

Clonal trial of five genotypes of “camu-camu”, Myrciaria dubia (h.b.k) mc. Vaugh, in non-flooded area

The objective of this research was to evaluate fruit yield, other agronomic characteristics and content of ascorbic acid (aa) of five promissory genotypes of “camu-camu” in non-flooded area of the experimental field “El Dorado”. The plantation has been established for 4 years and is located in 03° 56’ 50’’S, 73° 25’ 13’’W and 118 a.s.l. altitude, which...

Author(s): Sergio Pinedo, Sixto Iman, Mario Pinedo, Armando Vasquez and Herman Collazos

January 2011

Energy consumption in alfalfa production: A comparison between two irrigation systems in Iran

The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of input-output energy used in two irrigation systems in baled alfalfa hay production in Hamedan province, Iran, from efficiency of energy consumption point of view. Data were collected from 80 alfalfa farms in August and September 2009. The sample volume was determined by random sampling method. The population investigated was divided in two gropes based on the...

Author(s): Hassan Ghasemi Mobtaker, Asadollah Akram, Alireza Keyhani and Ali Mohammadi

January 2011

Salt effects on seed germination and seedling emergence of two Acacia species

Germination is the first stage in plant life cycle confronted with soil salinity and because of expanded saline areas around the world it is important to determine salt effects on this stage. In this study, we report an in vitro procedure for studying germination of Acacia spp. under salt stress with different NaCl and KCl concentrations. Seeds of Acacia...

Author(s): Akram Kiani Abari, Mohammad Hosseini Nasr, Mohammad Hojjati and Dariush Bayat