November 2018
Evaluation of Growth, Yield and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties at Bule, Southern Ethiopia
This experiment was aimed to evaluate the performance of potato varieties in respect to growth, yield and quality attributes. A field experiment was carried out in Bule, Southern Ethiopia during the summer of 2017 under rain fed condition. The experiment was a single factor and arranged with randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Treatments included different potato varieties (Bule, Gudenie, Jalenie,...
November 2018
Evaluation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) advance uniform lines using multivariate analysis
Principal component analysis is a multivariate statistical technique used to observe the variance and to assess the relative influence of various traits for aggregate variability. In this study, ten advance uniform rice lines were grown for two consecutive years and morphometric data on eight yield and yield related attributes were collected. The principle component analysis was performed on the means of two...
November 2018
Effect of brewery effluent on the anatomical and morphological structure of Talinum triangulare (Jacq) Willd
The study was carried out to determine effect of brewery effluent on the anatomical and morphological characters of Talinum triangulare. Seeds from matured T. triangulare were germinated and transplanted into plastic containers. The seeds were irrigated with 10, 20, 30 and 40% effluent concentrations respectively. A control experiment irrigated with normal water was also set aside. Data were collected on weekly basis...
November 2018
Genotypic response to weeding regimes of upland rice on woodland savannah sub-ecological area of Lake Albert crescent zone of Uganda
Weeds represent one of the major biological constraints to upland rice production in low input agricultural systems. The effects of weeding regimes and rice cultivars on weed growth and rice yield were investigated over three seasons. Four weeding regimes [0 (no weeding control), 1, 2, and 3] and three popular rice varieties (NARIC 2, a local cultivar, and NERICA 4), were tested in 4x3 factorial experiment in a...
November 2018
Assessment of the allelopathic effects of seeds and seedlings of rotational crops and ryegrass
Allelopathic effects were evaluated for a series of rotational crops, namely barley, canola, wheat, lupine, medic, lucerne (alfalfa) and ryegrass in laboratory studies. This followed on a field assessment of these crops to identify inter-species phytotoxic effects. Two different experiments to determine phytotoxicity effects of seed and seedling leachates were conducted under controlled conditions. The first experiment...