September 2008
Assessment of phenotypic diversity of macadamia (Macadamia spp) germplasm in Kenya using leaf and fruit morphology
The ability to identify genetic variation is indispensable to effective management and use of genetic resources. Morphological traits are among the earliest markers used in germplasm characterization and management. Leaf and fruit morphological characteristics were recorded for 23 cultivars of Macadamia using a sample of 30 for each trait and replicated three times. The analysis of variance revealed significant...
September 2008
Isolation of total RNA from ripe and unripe soursop (Annona muricata L.) fruit
Soursop fruit tissue is known by its acidic pH and high levels of polysaccharides, polyphenolics and secondary metabolites. These conditions are recognized to interfere unfavorably with conventional methodologies for RNA isolation. We describe here a rapid and simple method for the isolation of total RNA from soursop fruit. RNA was extracted in less than 4 h through a combination of SDS/potassium acetate precipitation...
September 2008
Bioindicators in sustainable management of tropical forests in India
Nature follows its own pattern to regulate the dynamic ecosystem. If the process is closely monitored it provides indication for the cause and effect of the changes occurring owing to natural factors and anthropogenic activities. The bioindicators are potentially useful tool for the scientists, researchers and foresters to assess the sustainable forest management (SFM) in countries like India, which is rich in...
September 2008
Regeneration efficiency of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] via embryonic axes explants
The experiment was conducted to test the in vitro regeneration efficiency of cowpea shoots via embryonic axes explants and the effect of benzyl amino purine (BAP) concentration on shoot formation. A total of 600 explants (embryonic axes) were plated from which 237 shoots were regenerated. The average regeneration ratio was 39% and the number of shoot per explant obtained stood at an average of 6.0. This...
September 2008
Regeneration of plants from rice caryopsis derived callus culture of Nigerian local cv. Suakoko 8 and a NERICA cv. FARO 55
The regeneration protocol for rice plants from callus culture obtained from dehusked and sterilized whole rice seeds (caryopses) of a popular Nigerian local cultivar Suakoko 8, and a NERICA cultivar FARO 55 is described. Utilizing a modified Nippon Barre medium (NBm) consisting of: Macro N6, Micro B5, Fe-EDTA, B5 vitamin and 30 mg/l of locally produced St Louis® sugar (to save cost) supplemented with...