African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 815

Table of Content: September 2015; 9(9)

September 2015

Crude protein electrophoresis of Ludwigia (L.) species in Nigeria and its taxonomic implications

Leaves of nine species of Ludwigia were collected from Southwestern Nigeria and the crude proteins were extracted and analysed by electrophoretic fractionation. The results shows that Ludwigia octovalvis var linearis, Ludwigia octovalvis var brevisepala, Ludwigia hyssopifolia and Ludwigia abyssinica are more closely related based on the position of protein bands. Also, Ludwigia decurrens A and Ludwigia adscendens subsp....

Author(s): A. E. Folorunso and K. F. Adelalu

September 2015

Management of plant parasitic nematodes with fulan in mechanized yam production

The potential of Fulan (2,5-dimethoxytetrahydrofuran), a synthetic nematicide applied at 10 g /stand and two plant bed types; ridging and mounding to manage plant parasitic nematodes and increase the yield of yam was investigated at Ejura during 2011 and 2012 at three levels of N-P205-K50 (NPK). The factorial experiment was mounted on randomized complete block design and replicated three times. Ridged bed type + the...

Author(s): K. Osei, S. A. Ennin, Y. Danso, E. Owusu Danquah and J. Adomako

September 2015

A method to use very small size potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers as seed

Potato, being a vegetatively propagated crop, tubers of 30-60 g size is used as seed. Whereas, < 20 g size potato tubers are left in the soil itself after harvesting, as they are not suitable either for consumption or seed purpose. Seed pelleting technique is used to increase the tuber size and provide additional nutrient support. Two cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with five different treatments...

Author(s): G. Ravichandran, E. P. Venkatasalam, R. Muthuraj and K. Manorama

September 2015

Characterization of fructans from Agave durangensis

Agave plants are members of the Agavaceae family and utilize crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) for CO2 fixation. Fructans are the main photosynthetic products produced by Agave plants, and are their principal source of storage carbohydrates. The aim of this work was to determine the chemical and molecular characterization of fructans from Agave durangensis. Fructans were extracted from 10 year old A. durangensis...

Author(s): Alma D. Orozco-Cortes, Gerardo Alvarez-Manilla, Gerardo Gutierrez-Sanchez, Olga M. Rutiaga-Quinones, Javier Lopez-Miranda and Nicolas O. Soto-Cruz

September 2015

Rizobacteria in the control of pest insects in agriculture

Biological control of pest insects in agriculture is the focus of many studies, because of the risks in the continuous use of synthetic insecticides, which can cause resistant pests or the occurrence of secondary pests. The use of microorganisms like endophytic bacteria has been performed separately or combined with other forms of control in the Integrated Pest Management. Endophytic bacteria live inside host plants,...

Author(s): Erica de Oliveira Araujo

September 2015

Soya bean glycine max (l.) Merr. genetic resources in Tanzania, 1905-2013

Soya beans, first grown in what is now Tanzania early in the twentieth century, have always been a minor crop in area planted and total production.  German East Africa introductions before 1918 were from Japan, China and Rhodesia.  Introductions by the British Trusteeship of Tanganyika in 1938 and 1939 were from India, South Africa, the USA and the Far East.  Hernon 237 was introduced in 1950 to replace...

Author(s): R. Trevor Wilson

September 2015

Comparative pathogenicity studies of the Xanthomonas vasicola species on maize, sugarcane and banana

Previous biochemical and molecular sequence analyses of Xanthomonas campestris pathovar musacearum, the etiological agent of banana Xanthomonas wilt, suggest that it belongs within the species Xanthomonas vasicola (X. vasicola pv. vasculorum and X. vasicola pathovar holcicola. However, the X. vasicola pathovar names were considered invalid according to pathovar naming standards and placed as one X. vasicola species;...

Author(s): G. Karamura, Julian Smith, David Studholme, Jerome Kubiriba, and E. Karamura