Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Biotechnol. Mol. Biol. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1538-2273
  • DOI: 10.5897/BMBR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 103

Table of Content: December 2006; 1(4)

December 2006

RNAi in medicine: current and future perspectives

The discovery of 21 – 23 nucleotide RNA duplexes, called small interference RNA (siRNA) may well be one of the transforming events in biology in the past decade. RNAi can result in gene silencing or even in the expulsion of sequences from the genome. Efforts to understand its mode of action have revealed a central role in gene regulation and host defense. The specificity, efficiency and potency of...

Author(s): L. Sudarsana Reddy, V. Sarojamma $ and V. Ramakrishna 

December 2006

Lacasses in the textile industry

The search for efficient and green oxidation technologies has increased the interest in the use of enzymes to replace the conventional non-biological methods. Among the different existing oxidant enzymes, laccases (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductases; EC have been subject of intensive research in the last decades due to their low substrate specificity. The use of laccases in the...

Author(s): Susana Rodríguez Couto and José Luis Toca-Herrera 

December 2006

External, extrinsic and intrinsic noise in cellular systems: analogies and implications for protein synthesis

Multicellular systems, typically in bioreactors with one or more feed streams, are under the influences of intrinsic (intra-cellular), extrinsic (inter-cellular) and external (environmental) noise. Of these, intrinsic noise is relatively less important in determining protein synthesis and reactor behavior. Although extrinsic noise and external noise have different origins and controls, they have similarities and...

Author(s): Pratap R. Patnaik