A study was conducted on conservation status of Argo forest, Bena Tsemay district, South Omo zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and peoples National Regional State, Ethiopia. Four transects were taken from gravel road and individuals farmers land as a baseline. Physiographic data, DBH/DSH and height of all tree/shrub species were taken in all the 41 quadrates. The external pressure on the forest was also assessed using arbitrary scale of disturbance. Structural parameters such as Vegetation analysis, Density, Frequency, Dominance, and Importance Value Indexes were calculated using Database Access and Microsoft Excel. Out of the total 56 species that were identified, 5.36% were lianas, 71.43% trees, 23.21% shrubs species. The structural analysis has shown that the upper storey has relatively a higher density and species composition as compared to the middle and lower storeys. In assessing the conservation status of all tree/shrub species using the IVI, population structure and regeneration status criteria, from the selected 56 species 25% were selected by the 3 criteria, 53.57% by 2 of the criteria and 21.43% by one of the criteria. A recommendation was also made on the options for the genetic conservation of the priority species.
Keywords: Density, Dominance, Frequency, Population Structure, Priority Species, Saplings, Seedlings