International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-243X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJBC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 684

Table of Content: May 2015; 7(5)

May 2015

Property rights regimes, resource utilisation and biodiversity conservation in Eastern and Southern Africa

Natural resources degradation threatens persistence of biological resources in many parts of Eastern and Southern African regions. In these regions, property rights regimes intractably influence resource utilisation and biodiversity conservation. Hitherto, the underlying causes of varied performances of property rights regimes are rarely collated. Consequently, resource policies are often flawed, resulting in pervasive...

Author(s): Vincent R. Nyirenda

May 2015

Assessment of changes in provision of forest ecosystem goods and services and benefit sharing mechanisms in the Ugalla-Masito Ecosystem: A case of Ilagala and Karago villages in Kigoma Region, Tanzania

This paper presents results of the assessment of changes in provision of forest ecosystem goods and services in the Ugalla-Masito Ecosystem, using a case study of Ilagala and Karago villages in Kigoma Region, where REDD is being piloted. Various data collection methods were employed. These included focused group discussions, key informants’ interviews, in-depth interviews using structured questionnaires and...

Author(s): Nicholaus Mwageni, Riziki Silas Shemdoe and Robert Kiunsi

May 2015

Knowledge, attitude and practices of peasants towards hyraxes in two selected church forests in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

Church forests comprise local as well as global hotspots as critical conservation areas for a large portion of Ethiopian biodiversity. This study was conducted in two selected church forests based on presence of hyrax species and forest coverage in Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia to assess knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of peasants towards hyraxes in the church forests. Data collection was carried out from...

Author(s): Teklay Girmay, Zeyede Teshome and Milite Mahari

May 2015

Selected wild plant species with exotic flowers from Jordan

The flora of Jordan with regards to the flowering vascular plant represents a high diversity in such a semi-arid country like Jordan which is part of the Eastern Mediterranean region. In this study, a number of 59 wild species with showy, exotic flowers from Jordan are illustrated; the selected species are not introduced or cultivated but rather local wild flowers selected for their showy, colorful flowers and for their...

Author(s): Sawsan A. S. Oran