Church forests comprise local as well as global hotspots as critical conservation areas for a large portion of Ethiopian biodiversity. This study was conducted in two selected church forests based on presence of hyrax species and forest coverage in Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia to assess knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of peasants towards hyraxes in the church forests. Data collection was carried out from August, 2012 to January, 2013 using questionnaires’ which contains both open and closed ended questions. The knowledge, attitude and practice of the local people towards the hyraxes and church forests were varied among the two church forests. Most respondents from Michael Tsilwo church forest had negative attitude towards the hyrax species although most respondents from Michael Romanat had positive attitude. The church forests have great contribution as habitat and source of food for the hyraxes in particular and many wild animals in general. Most of the local people living around the church forests do not seem to understand the ecological roles of the hyraxes and wildlife. Therefore, awareness creation programmes should be organized to the community and it will help to develop positive attitude towards hyraxes.
Key words: Attitude, church forests, hyraxes, interview, peasants, practice.