How to cite this article
Amenchwi, A. G., Manga, V. E., Tening, A. S., & Nikièma, P. (2023). Responses of soil microbial biomass carbon to tillage and fertilizer types in maize cultivation in Buea, Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 15(1), 1-12.
Chicago /
Amenchwi Amahnui George, Manga Veronica Ebot, Tening Aaron Suh and Nikièma Paligwend&e. "Responses of soil microbial biomass carbon to tillage and fertilizer types in maize cultivation in Buea, Cameroon." International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 15, no. 1 (2023): 1-12.
Amenchwi Amahnui George, et al. "Responses of soil microbial biomass carbon to tillage and fertilizer types in maize cultivation in Buea, Cameroon." International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 15.1 (2023): 1-12.