How to cite this article
Mankou, V. R., Avana, M. L., Nfornkah, B. N., & Kaam, R. (2022). Status of bamboo species (Poaceae) (Kunth) in Menoua, Agroecological Zone 3 of Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 14(3), 115-127.
Chicago /
Mankou Vanessa Ruth, Avana Marie-Louise, Nfornkah Barnabas Neba and Kaam Rene. "Status of bamboo species (Poaceae) (Kunth) in Menoua, Agroecological Zone 3 of Cameroon." International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 14, no. 3 (2022): 115-127.
Mankou Vanessa Ruth, et al. "Status of bamboo species (Poaceae) (Kunth) in Menoua, Agroecological Zone 3 of Cameroon." International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 14.3 (2022): 115-127.