International Journal of
Educational Administration and Policy Studies

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Educ. Admin. Pol. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6656
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEAPS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 245

Table of Content: May 2011; 3(5)

May 2011

Criminal intent and educational aspiration of disadvantaged school-age hawkers in two selected North central cities of Nigeria

One of the international agenda is to utilize all available human and non-human resources towards enhancing youth’s educational and moral development. However, evidences abound that a good number of Nigerian youths are drawn by negative socio-economic experiences to a life of full time or part time hawking. The consequences of this life-style on the educational aspiration and moral...

Author(s): Samuel Ayorinde Agbonna, Alice Arinlade Jekayinfa, AbdulRaheem Yusuf and Mustapha Jarimi

May 2011

Career development among young people in Britain today: Poverty of aspiration or poverty of opportunity?

This paper compares two explanations of the persistent relationship in the UK between young people’s social class backgrounds and their rates of participation in higher education: poverty of aspiration and rational action. It is argued that, rather than widening opportunities, successive reforms in education and training have created a series of blind alleys for the (mostly working class) young people who are not...

Author(s): Ken Roberts and Graeme Atherton