September 2013
Inheritance of primary yield component traits of common beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.): Number of seeds per pod and 1000 seed weight in an 8 × 8 diallel cross population
Thirty six (36) genotypes (eight parents and 28 F1 diallel crosses) were grown in randomized complete block design with two replicates during 2006 at Mandura, North western Ethiopia. The experiment was executed to study the inheritance of two primary yield component traits: number of seeds per pod and 1000 seed weight. Statistical significant difference was observed between genotypes, parents and crosses for...
September 2013
Molecular characterization of cotton using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and application of genetic analysis
Cotton is grown worldwide for the production of fiber and an important oil seed crop. Genetic diversity and correlation between varieties are of great importance for cotton breeding. To find out polymorphism and genome changeability, DNA markers are most comprehensively used. The current work was conducted to study the genetic relatedness among 20 cotton genotypes using simple sequence repeats markers using...