Full Length Research Paper
Advances in computer technology combined with communication technologies have exerted unprecedented pressures for change on libraries. This study investigated the measures to be taken for strengthening information technology in Pakistani libraries. The critical issue identified provides closer insight into the issues affecting overall implementation of IT. This study found out that condition of IT implementation in Pakistani libraries is very pathetic. It highlights the status of existing information technology facilities in Pakistani libraries. It highlights the barriers in the way of IT implementation e.g. scarcity of funds, low level of IT education in library schools, shortage of expertise, obsolete syllabi of library schools, no arrangement for continuing education, lack of planning in IT implementation projects. There seems to be a direct correlation between the IT education in library schools and level of IT implementation in libraries. There is a widening chasm between LIS education in developing countries and those in developed countries. In the light of research questions data were analyzed and elaborated. On the basis of findings, recommendations were given.
Key words: IT education, IT implementation Pakistani libraries
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