Full Length Research Paper
The Dspace and Greenstone Digital Library Software have helped spread the practical impact of digital library technology throughout the world, with particular emphasis on developing countries. As Dspace and Greenstone enters its second decade, this article takes a retrospective look at its development, the challenges that have been faced, and the lessons that have been learned in developing and deploying a comprehensive open-source system for the construction of digital libraries internationally. Open source digital library packages are gaining popularity nowadays. To build a digital library under economical conditions open source software is preferable. This paper tries to identify the extent of adoption of open source digital library software packages in various organizations through an online survey. In this paper an on line survey has been done to find out the usability of these open source digital library software. It lays down the findings from the survey. In this paper also try to compare with the features of this popular OSS digital library software.
Key words: Open source software, digital library, greenstone digital library, Dspace.
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