Full Length Research Paper
This paper appraised the process of electronic reference service delivery (ERSD) in Redeemer’s University, Nigeria (RUN). It highlighted the operations of using modern information and communications technology (ICT) for core Reference Service Delivery such as selective dissemination of information (SDI) and current awareness services (CAS) in RUN. ERSD in RUN are aimed at meeting the growing information needs of faculty members. It has enhanced the reputation of the library as well as increased patronage of library reference services. To elicit information from the faculty, a profile form was designed. The form is a description of the process and procedure of providing current information but personalized to the faculty, and keeps them abreast of the latest development. ERSD offers an important option to users for keeping current with research. Also, there is evidence that SDI can be provided in a variety of ways, both manually and electronically. However, using electronic means has proved to be cost-effective and faster. The library in question has moved from the traditionally approach to online information provision methods.
Key words: Electronic reference, selective dissemination of information (SDI), current awareness services (CAS), online reference services (ORS), electronic reference service delivery (ERSD), Redeemer’s University.
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