Full Length Research Paper
The introduction of audio-visual resources (AVR) in teaching and learning has far reaching effect on the management and infrastructure facilities in libraries. The integration of both books and non-book materials into the library system will go a long way in providing necessary information to clientele. This study surveyed the audio-visual resources availability and use for library services among colleges of education in Lagos State. A total of 150 male respondents and female librarians, lecturers and students were selected from three colleges of education in Lagos State of Nigeria using Random sample technique. Data were collected through 20 items questionnaire. Findings revealed that apart from FCE, AOCOED and LACOPED had no access to AV resources, no adequate time for training while respondents were of the opinion that AVR has a significant effect on teaching learning. Findings also revealed that the major obstacle faced is inadequate funding, skill, monitoring, irregular supply of electricity, non-provision of AV resources and attention of the government hindered the use of AV resources. Based on the result of the findings, the Federal Government of Nigeria should publish a position paper on provision of AV resources centers and to appoint professionals to man AVR centers. The centre should consist of departments like Graphics, Electronics, Audio-Visual unit, and be funded by federal and state government among other findings.
Key words: A-V resources, resource center, library services, information services, teaching and learning, colleges of education.
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