Full Length Research Paper
Electronic learning (e-learning) has dramatically influenced teaching and learning activities with the rapid development of modern technology. This study investigates how science students at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, are using e-PG Pathshala. The survey method used a sample of 125 students from a renowned state university. A structured questionnaire was distributed to all students with personal interaction. The data in the study were analyzed using percentages, Likert scale mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square tests at a 0.05 significance level. As a result, some observe that e-PG Pathshala is an effective way to meet students of Kurukshetra University's learning objectives and complement their traditional learning environments. Even though online platforms provide many opportunities for re-skilling and up-skilling, the UGC encourages individuals to become more aware of how to leverage e-learning. Additionally, the study found that the e-PG Pathshala is useful for preparing class assignments and serves the purpose of classroom teaching as well.
Key words: e-PG Pathshala, PG Students, science stream, awareness, usage, Kurukshetra University.
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