International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 291

Table of Content: April-June 2020; 11(2)

May 2020

Comparative test of the two final commercial dual-purpose breeds during early growth performance under on-farm management conditions in two districts of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia

This study was conducted to evaluate the production and reproduction performance of chicken breed under semi-scavenging system of Seka Chekorsa and Omo Nada districts of Jimma Zone. A total of 800 day old chicks were obtained from Debre Zeit Agricultural Research center. 50 day old chicks were distributed with hay box brooder, and the experiment was arranged in a nested design. The result of the current study indicated...

Author(s): Belete Jorga, Wondmeneh Esatu, Mohammed Ali, Wasihun Hassen, Ahmed Seid, and Tekle Olbamo    

June 2020

Comparative effects of Moringa oleifera powder and soybean meal on the zootechnical parameters of the ISA Brown pullet

Poultry farming is an important sector of the Beninese agriculture. But this sector is facing economic difficulties. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of Moringa oleifera powder and soybean meal on zootechnical parameters in the ISA Brown pullet. For this purpose, the experiment was carried out on a total of 250 day-old chicks with an initial average weight of 40 ± 1 g. Among these chicks, 25...

Author(s): Jacques S. Adouko, Bienvenu O. M. Koutonin, Kévin S. Kassa, Arnaud S. S. Soha, Fréjus O. H. Ohouko and Jacques T. Dougnon  

June 2020

Effect of nutritional flushing on reproductive and body weight performance of Abergelle goat does

This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of flushing on the reproductive and body weight change on Abergelle breed does. The study indicated that a mix of 300 or 450 g wheat bran (WB) with 50 g noug seed cake (NSC) flushed per day improved the does’ conception rate (70 to 80%) and kidding rate (70%); while does flushed with low concentrate level (150 g WB plus 50 g NSC) or those not flushed had poor and reduced...

Author(s): Minister Birhanie, Mulalem Zenebe and Hailai Hagos  

June 2020

The last of us? An online survey among German farm veterinarians about the future of veterinary training, livestock farming and the profession in general

This online survey investigated how German farm veterinarians perceive the future of their profession. According to the participants, the following topics should play a greater role in veterinary training: Economics, herd health management, practical education, agricultural knowledge and animal welfare issues. The top answer indicates that knowledge about entrepreneurship is seen as a crucial competence of...

Author(s): Christian Dürnberger  

June 2020

The performance of artificial insemination delivery system in Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Tigray Regions of Ethiopia

The study was conducted in Amhara, Oromia, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples and Tigray regions of the country to provide information on the performance of Artificial Insemination (AI) service delivery system, its seasonality and effectiveness. Semi-structured questionnaire was prepared to interview AI technicians (on their performance and related issues) and farmers (about the outcome of AI services). Data on...

Author(s): Kassahun Melesse, Ashenafi Mengistu and Driba Geleti