April 2023
Moist feeding in Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) nutrition: Influence on growth performance and carcass characteristics
This study was aimed at investigating the influence of different proportion of water to dry meal, to give a moist feed form in feeding Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) and assess the influence of these different feed forms on growth performance and carcass characteristics. A completely randomized design of fifty-four one to two weeks old ducklings weighing 64 to 67 g were randomly distributed into 3 treatments with three...
May 2023
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in cattle kept under pastoral management system in selected districts of Borana zone, Ethiopia
The present study was conducted in three districts (Arero, Moyale and Yabello) of Borana zone, from October 2016 to June 2018, with the aim to determine the prevalence, identify the species and detect the risk factors of GIT parasites. For this cross-sectional study, a total of 383 faecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of the animal and examined using flotation and sedimentation techniques according to...
May 2023
Evaluation of improved sheep breeds in pastoral areas of Yabello district, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia
This study was conducted at Yabello district of Borana zone with the objectives of evaluating the productive performance of the 25% Dorper crossbred and the local blackhead Somali sheep under agro pastoralists’ conditions, creating awareness, improving pastoralists’ knowledge and skill. The training was given to the selected pastoralists, development agents, and experts on the importance and management of...
June 2023
Incorporation of functional feed ingredients to substitute antimicrobials in animal nutrition: Opportunities for livestock production in developing countries
Livestock including cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry are kept under traditional farming systems producing manure, supporting crop production, insurance and financing emergency cash needs, and improving social status. The livestock feed resource base is mostly natural graze and crop residues whose quality and supply are dependent upon unreliable rainfall patterns. Due to rising demand for cropland, overgrazing,...