March 2023
Distribution and relative abundance of pig breeds in South-Western Agro-ecological Zone, Uganda: Status of locally adapted pigs
A cross-sectional study was conducted in five districts in South Western Agro-Ecological Zone (SWAEZ), Uganda, to map pig breed distribution and determine their abundance and population structure. Purposive and snowball sampling methods were used to identify pig farmers whose pigs were included in the study. Pig breeds were identified using the NAADS user guide on pig husbandry. The breeds that were properly identified...
March 2023
A review on differentiation of goat populations in Ethiopia based on husbandry practices, breeding and morphological traits: The primary step for conservation
The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the differentiation of goat population in Ethiopia based on husbandry, breeding practices, and morphological traits of goats. Ethiopian goats have long been known for their extensive production methods, which have been reared in all agro-ecological zones. Rather than competing for fodder with cattle and sheep, goats complement them. The major feed resources for...