July 2011
Performance and economic efficiency of browsing Arsi-Bale goats supplemented with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) vines as replacement for concentrate
A total of forty Arsi-Bale male goats weighing on average (±SE) 16.8 ± 0.61 kg were used over a 132-day feeding period to determine the optimum level for substitution of concentrate with fresh sweet potato vines (SPV), having dry matter of 92%, crude protein of 19% and gross energy of 15.6 KJ/g DM for both biological and economic benefits. Five SPV substitution treatments in percentage: SPV0 as...
July 2011
Assessment of past and current status of large dairy farms to assist future management concerns and as a model for expanding dairies worldwide
In order to predict future management needs the dairy industry needs to constantly assess the past and the current status of the industry. The objectives of this study were to: (1) Identify the past changes and current status of large well-managed dairies, (2) To provide management goals and identify areas of concerns for dairies that are stable or expanding, worldwide (3) assist in identifying and developing areas for...
July 2011
Effect of long-term heat stress on key enzyme activities and T3 levels in commercial layer hens
High environmental temperatures are the most important inhibiting factors to poultry production in hot regions. The objective was to test adaptive responses of different chicken genotypes to long-term high temperature and identify suitable indicators of physiological parameters. Forty eight female chickens from each genotype of Lohmann Brown (LB), Lohmann White (LW), New Hampshire (NH), White Leghorn selected...