November 2016
Characterization of village chicken production systems and challenges across agro-climatic zones in Ethiopia
The aims of the study were to characterize the socio-economic features of village chicken producers, types of chicken production systems, flock management practices, family task sharing and production constraints in lowland, midland and highland of Ethiopia. Data were collected at 360 rural households of which 120 were from lowland, 160 midland and 80 highlands. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data...
November 2016
Assessment of livestock feed resources and feeding systems in Haramaya district, Eastern Ethiopia
The study was conducted in east Hararghe zone of Oromia regional state, eastern Ethiopia to assess the major available livestock feed resources. A total of 150 households with experience in livestock keeping practice for at least two years were selected. All respondents indicated that shortage of feed resources, dominance of unpalatable forages and low nutritive values of usable forages were the major feed problems....
November 2016
The husbandry practices of dairy cattle, feed resources, and dairy products processing and marketing in Sinana District of Bale Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
The study was conducted to assess the husbandry practices of dairy cattle, feed resources, and dairy products processing and marketing systems. Stratified random sampling was applied to select 213 households from urban, peri-urban and rural areas. Structured questionnaire were used to collect primary information. Descriptive statistics was employed to analyze the collected data. The study found that 2.5(0.11) dairy...