International Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Med. Med. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9723
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJMMS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 537

Article in Press

Comparison of Preoperative and Postoperative Anxiety Levels Effecting Preoperative and Postoperative Processes of Orthopedics Department’s Patients


  •  Received: 13 October 2018
  •  Accepted: 12 March 2019
Abstract The aim of this study is to compare the anxiety levels of the patients before and after the ortopedic operations according to the patients’ sex, age and education levels of the patients looked after at Ataturk University Orthopedy and Trvamatology Mainbranch of Research Hospital. Generally different levels of anxiety comes up and many of the patients become worried before the operations.If there was anxiety, the patients should be relieved by being defined and the negative anxiety should be turnet to positive form. Because this position whatever its dimension is, it will be resulted in the patients’ show positive reactions and make the treatment gains important acceleration. When the hüman creature is thought to be biological, social, cultural and psychological living object, it must be remembered that its each dimension is related to the other dimensions and all activities organized and worked out to people mustn’t disrupt the balanca among all dimensions and the most correct one is to solve the problems by approachin holistically. For that reason, it may be said that the human psychlogy provides the relationship and balance / harmony / consistency among the other dimensions. If there is a negative anxiety it must be tried to be removed and turnet to positive direction by absolutely putting into account. When it is succeeded; it is known that the diagnosis, making decission related to the position and the treatment methods which is thought to be used could be more acceptable in terms of cost. In this study it is tried to understand the patients’ anxiety levels before and after the operations by using “STAI TX-1 Anxiety Skala”. Before and after the operations the same scala were also used, the anxiety levels related to before and after operations and defined for the two situations/positions compared according to choosen variables. In the fires chapter or the study, literatüre study/search was done and the studies done for this area were studied on according to their data. In the second cpart/chepter of the study, the aim, necessity, research method, data collecting tool/instruman, assumptions, limitations, research universe and sampling were determined/defined. In the third chapter of the study, practice/application, collecting data were organized and the evaluation was done by using appropriate statistyical methods. In the end of the study, the result, suggestions and discussion were studied on and given place.

Keywords: Patient psychology before the operation, The relationship between the anxiety levels of patients before and after the operations.