Full Length Research Paper
Noise has become a serious social concern due to the rapid urbanization brought on by rapid industrial development and economic growth. This study is on the construction noise caused by construction of a building and the road traffic noise resulting from increased traffic volume. A noise map was used to control these sources of noise. Also, this paper examines the influence on nearby areas of the increased road traffic noise resulting from a land development project. A prediction of the noise distribution and a noise map was made using the software SoundPLAN; according to the results, a plan was created to reduce construction noise and the road traffic noise that increases after the completion of a construction project. This study revealed that the increased traffic volume caused by the development of an industrial area had a greater influence on the nearby areas than the industrial area itself. The changes to the traffic routes and movement pattern were identified as well.
Key words: Road traffic noise, noise map, grid noise map, façade noise map, construction noise, land development.
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