Full Length Research Paper
This study is aimed at determining and evaluating the usage levels of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) and their applications relating to innovation activities. In addition to this, determination of innovation types and causes are also considered. In the study, the screening method has been used and the study group is consisted of 265 small and medium scale enterprises using advanced manufacturing technologies, in provinces which are randomly selected in Turkey. The findings obtained via answering of the survey questions have been evaluated in accordance with frequency, mean and standard deviation. Wilcoxon test has been used in measuring the AMTs in enterprises to see if the change in the usage levels is significant. In the study, according to scale difference (small-medium) of enterprises, independent groups’ t-test analysis relating to difference in evaluations has been used. In the scale used in this study, Friedman two-way Anova test has been done. In this study, in the evaluations relating to innovation activities of enterprises, Mann-Whitney U test analysis relating to difference in their evaluations according to variable of market areas (domestic; domestic + foreign) has been used. In reviews relating to innovation activities of enterprises using AMTs, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been conducted to determine if there were differences in evaluations according to variable of operating periods. LSD test has been used to determine in which groups, the possible differences of the groups lie between. In testing the differences between the groups, significance level has been considered as p < 0.05. At the result of the study done, it is seen that there was a significant increase in the usage levels of AMTs in enterprises in the last three years. It can be stated that enterprises are more focused on marketing and service innovations. Changing customer demands and requirements is the leading of the innovation causes.
Key words: Advanced manufacturing technologies, innovation, production industry in Turkey.
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